- Types houseplants
- Nightshade list (SOLYANUM)
- Abutilon Amazon
- Episcia COPPER
- Euphorbia BRILLIANT
- Pelargonium grandiflorum
- Medinilla majestically
- Lantana camara
- Large-Thunberg
- Streptocarpus HYBRID
- Impatiens "Adler (Impatiens)
- Bright red begonia
- Coleus Blum
- Rhododendron INDIAN (AZALEA)
- Caladium bicolor
- Oxalis grandiflora
- Acalypha bristly
- Tillyandsiya blue
- Kohler Bogotá
- Poinsettia BEAUTIFUL
- Japanese camellia
The family Gesneriaceae
. Motherland - the tropical rainforests of the Malay Archipelago
. A perennial evergreen with long shoots, leathery oval leaves 8-10 cm long and flowers with a bright red curved rim
. Fruit - an elongated box
. Grow as a basket plant
. It blooms all year round, especially intensively - in winter
. Contained in a bright room in hanging pots or baskets of light at a temperature of 18-20 ° C
. Watering is rarely
. In the summer regularly sprayed
. Spring clip plant and transplanted into a mixture of leaf soil, peat, sphagnum moss and sand (1: 1: 0, 5: 0: 5)
. At the bottom of the container makes good drainage
. Feed plant in spring and summer full of mineral or organic fertilizers
. Propagation is by seed in spring, obtained by artificial pollination, and cuttings
. Small seeds are sown on the sand or a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1), not falling asleep
. Crops are regularly sprayed and aired
. Seedlings bloom in the third year, and sometimes in the second
. On the cuttings take old shoots
. Rooted plants are planted for 3-4 pieces in small pots
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Nightshade list (SOLYANUM)
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