• Clothing for a first date, not only where, but what!
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 clothes for the first date for the woman rules

Clothes for women - ordinary "golden" rules

There are some simple but important rules to follow to make your first date a success.

Show yourself with the best hand. Make sure that all components of your outfit perfectly sit on you that you are not great and small. Maybe you like your crazy superoblegayuschie your trousers or top, one size larger than you need. But these things do not decorate you as it is to do things that you size. Similarly, you may find it difficult to part with your favorite tight jeans, but putting them on the first date with a fan, you'll feel at ease. Moreover, too tight clothes you look bigger than you really are.

Choose a garment that highlights your strengths and not to draw attention to the places in which you are not perfectly sure. For example, if you feel that here in this blouse your tummy too issued, regardless of the opinions of others, do not torment yourself worry and just select a different thing.

 clothes for the first date for the woman rules

Do not try to change your appearance or buy a new thing eve goodbye. To get used to a new hairstyle and a new hair color Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 It takes time. Your skin may not fit the new cosmetics, but rather a new perfume allergy can begin. To "deliver" new clothes, it takes time. And it also needs to be washed beforehand. The best solution - is to stick to his former style and postpone the time your transformation.

Prefer humble outfit. No one knows where the ideal level of modesty on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
 But there are a couple of things to keep in mind. If you wear a skirt, it should be long enough so that your companion did not see anything that you do not want to show it. Bra under clothing should not be seen, and if you're not going to wear it, then make sure your clothing provides you with sufficient "cover."

 clothes for the first date for the woman rules

The most important thing to keep in mind when you choose clothes for their first date - it's comfort. You and so nervous, so why should enhance their experience of suffering because of the close shoes or bra strap, which bites into his shoulder? Choose the outfit in which you feel comfortable standing, sitting, and while walking, and your date will take place more naturally and easily.

If you are going on a date with a gentleman of small stature or even slightly below you, it is best to give up the shoes with heels. Of course, they look very feminine, and many men like women in heels, but the most important thing - that you both feel comfortable next to each other. Therefore, if it is not one of those men who prefer to walk arm in arm with a woman far above him, a la Tom Cruise, choose shoes with heels less and give him the opportunity to feel comfortable in your presence.

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