• Laser skin resurfacing - the wrinkles are not so terrible as you think
  • Features

 Laser skin resurfacing features

Laser skin resurfacing: Features procedures

Wrinkles - are the main enemies of women. But even before they appear, the skin loses moisture, becomes dry and less elastic than in his youth. In this case, it is possible to help the women with the help of laser skin resurfacing, which is carried out with modern erbium lasers.


Laser skin resurfacing - a great way to rejuvenate

Laser skin resurfacing - is the removal of the surface layers of the skin with a laser. Under the action of the erbium laser occurs evaporation of the surface layers of the skin and the instrument is not in contact with the skin, and the beam penetrates the skin, but does not reach the deeper layers without causing a burn. Feed-rays can be dosed depending on the depth of wrinkles or other skin blemishes. The number of procedures required to solve the problem of the patient, can also be different.

As a result of this procedure, the skin is young and fresh. You can smooth the small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, mouth, forehead. At the same time stimulates the production in the skin collagen and elastin, which gives skin elasticity, that is evident lifting effect or a tightening of the skin. With the help of laser skin resurfacing can smooth scars on the skin and they become almost invisible (remove the scar completely impossible). They respond well to laser resurfacing small scars from acne and stretch marks - stretch marks on the skin, formed, for example, after pregnancy. Removed by laser resurfacing and tattoo.

But do not expect that a fully retracts big scar or keloid scar the more (some unscrupulous clinics offer such a service). Large rough scar after injury or surgery, of course, it is possible to equalize a little skin, but remove it completely fail. As for keloids (scars brilliant red, prone to growth), it is well known, their education depends on the individual person, and there is no guarantee that laser resurfacing does not stimulate the growth of keloid scars.

It is not necessary to remove the laser and moles Moles:: tags fate or bombs?  Moles:: tags fate or bombs?
 If not carried out in the clinic their subsequent study in the laboratory for atypical cells (different from others, which may be cancer cells). Moles is better to remove in the office of the surgeon - it's here that the histological examination must be conducted.


How is the procedure of laser skin resurfacing and rehabilitation after her

The procedure requires pretreatment of the skin, so the patient first consults cosmetologist. Depending on the patient's skin is assigned as a preliminary treatment of various creams (including vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   A). If a skin problem (acne, herpes) but prescribers to suppress infection. Once the skin is put in order, set the day of the procedure Laser skin resurfacing.

The procedure is quite painful, so it is usually performed under local or general (if you have to process large areas of the skin) anesthesia. Duration of the procedure is also different - it all depends on the patient's problem. After the procedure is completed, the patient's skin overlaps a special ointment to protect the skin from injury and infection.

Following the laser resurfacing skin becomes red, swollen and painful. This is a temporary condition which will take about two weeks. After this swelling subsides, but a slight reddening will hold up to two months. And only two months it will be possible to see the final effect: smooth, clean and fresh skin.


Indications and contraindications for laser skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is shown:

  • for dry aging skin with shallow wrinkles;
  • for problem skin with dilated pores;
  • at the scars left by acne transferred;
  • when striae (stretch marks) on the body;
  • with small scars from wounds or burns; if scars are very large, they first removed surgically, and then use the laser skin resurfacing.

Laser skin resurfacing is contraindicated:

  • at any acute inflammatory processes in the skin, including the herpes rash;
  • when chronic skin, if the elements are arranged in the region of the intended manipulation;
  • in systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus) - Laser skin resurfacing can stimulate the worsening of the process;
  • for patients with diabetes Diabetes  Diabetes
   in violation of the immunity - may join the infection;
  • the propensity of the patient to the formation of keloids;
  • with severe diseases of internal organs, which may affect the recovery of the skin after laser resurfacing;
  • in mental illness.


Complications that can occur after laser skin resurfacing

After laser resurfacing on it may remain elevated spots (hyperpigmentation - brown spots) or low (hypopigmentation or white spots) pigmentation. If you violate the rules of manipulation, the formation of scars or proliferation of connective tissue, and the person may be blown down and motionless, like a mask.

To avoid such complications, it is necessary to remember that laser skin resurfacing - is a medical manipulation and do it can only be prepared by an expert. In order to be sure of the capabilities of the clinic, you need to familiarize yourself with the license to practice medical practice and its annexes, which are usually specified permitted uses of medical services.

Laser skin resurfacing - is effective, but unsafe procedure, so you need to approach it with caution.

Galina Romanenko

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