- How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at myself in the mirror
- Difficulties
- Methods for burning fat
- Basic methods
- For a short time
- Without exercise
- Natural methods
- Slimming Products
- Teenagers
![how to remove belly fat methods
how to remove belly fat methods](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B3NF_4GvSalzaG5yTDMtRDNuelU)
How to remove the stomach: the main ways
Fat deposits in the abdominal area - one of the most common reasons why people are trying to lose weight. Get rid of the belly is not possible with the help of exercises the abdominal muscles: to make the stomach fit and burn fat, prevent the further accumulation of body fat, needed several different techniques.
The main way to remove belly fat - follow a healthy low-calorie diet. The two main causes of fatty deposits in the abdomen - a poor diet and lack of exercise. Of course, even daily devoting time to training, it is impossible to remove the stomach, if not to abandon unhealthy, fatty foods. A balanced diet must include fruits, vegetables, proteins - such as lean chicken. But from the oil and butter, sweet, fatty foods should be avoided.
![How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at yourself in the mirror - the main way
How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at yourself in the mirror - the main way](http://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=0B3NF_4GvSalzMS1ONk5QQk9Tdk0)
- Cardio needed to effectively burn calories. The simplest kind kardionagruzok - daily walks or jogging. In order to remove the stomach, not necessarily every day to make the race on the kilometer distance - just a little more walking, for example, to and from work.
- Swimming - another effective form of exercise, which helps get rid of the extra kilos. Swimming affects to several muscle groups, improves the cardiovascular system and tightens the abdominal muscles.
- In order to remove the stomach, need to exercise upper and lower abdominal muscles. Simple exercises to twist will not help get rid of body fat - a full training program must include, in addition to twisting exercises, exercises with the rise and fall at the feet of the upper and lower abdominal muscles.
Accelerate metabolism - the key to the rapid disposal of fat in the abdominal area, as metabolism stimulates the burning of fat. The most effective ways to speed up metabolism - exercise and proper nutrition
Proper nutrition: I stopped eating at night
. Many nutritionists recommend five meals small meals a day instead of the traditional three.
To quickly remove belly fat, you need to give up eating the food before going to bed - it slows down metabolism. It is believed that the last time that day should eat at least three hours before bedtime.
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For a short time
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