weaving braids with ribbon scheme
 Kos with ribbon - the perfect choice for a romantic, feminine style conjures up images of the Victorian era or fairy tales, the heroine of which are almost always sophisticated princess with long, luxurious tresses. Weave braids with a ribbon, the scheme which is quite simple, it can be shown by a few examples, and master them will not be easy.


Classical braid with a ribbon

This is the easiest option of weaving braids with a ribbon. You need a comb, two elastic bands for hair, ribbon (width, texture, color - entirely on your taste), hairspray mild fixation (optional).

Comb your hair, gather them into a low ponytail and secure it with a rubber band. Tie a ribbon around the base of the tail and hide it under the tip of the gum. You can tie a ribbon so that you have two free ends of a length approximately equal to the length of the hair. Then divide the hair into three equal parts. If you have one free end of the tape, add it to any strand when the two ends, add them to the right and left strands.

 weaving braids with ribbon scheme
  weaving braids with ribbon scheme

Cross your right and the middle strand so that the right was on top. Then crisscross the left and middle (the former right) locks so that the top was the left strand. Continue to weave braid, making sure that the tape (or tape) remained on top. The tip of the spit fasten a rubber band or a short tape. To better fix the hair, you can apply a little hairspray.

If desired, it can be woven into a braid and three belts - the same or different colors. To do this, divide the hair into three equal strands and to the base of each of them tightly tie ribbon.


Spit of the three strands of ribbon and thin braids

With thin braid can add flavor to almost any braided hair and colorful belt will make it even more memorable. Kos with the following pattern weave is suitable for both young girls and adult women - the main thing that they were quite long hair. To do this hairstyle, you need the tape, which is about ten centimeters longer than your hair, and two rubber bands for hair. Make high or low - to your taste - a ponytail and secure it with a rubber band. One tip of the thread the ribbon under the gum and tie it tightly.

 weaving braids with ribbon scheme

Separate from the tail, in its lower part, a thin strand, divide it into three strands and weave a normal braid. Attach the tip of a small rubber band. Wrap the braid around the base of the tail and attach it under the tip of the tail with the help of the invisible.

Weave two thin braids on the sides of the tail and also secure the ends with rubber bands. Divide the tail in two equal parts so that each of them on the left pigtail. Using tape as the third strand weave classical braid. Make sure to thin braids were always on top - only hair got really spectacular.


Spit is a rope with tape

Spit rope itself looks very impressive, but if you weave in her belt, she will benefit. Start weaving in two main ways. You can collect hair How beautiful to collect hair: fast installation on every day  How beautiful to collect hair: fast installation on every day
   in a ponytail, secure with a rubber band and tie the ribbon to the gum. You can also just divide the hair into approximately equal parts and attach them to the bottom of the tape.

If you chose the first way and want to weave into a braid one tape, just tie it to the gum. If you want to create the impression that the two are interwoven in a braid ribbons of the same color, take one long strip and insert it under the rubber band so that the two ends of the belt remains free. Of course, you can use two ribbons of different colors - they should also be tied to an elastic band.

 weaving braids with ribbon scheme
  weaving braids with ribbon scheme

Divide the hair into two strands and yet do not add to them the tape. Twist one strand clockwise (or counterclockwise, the main thing - that the two strands curled in one direction, or braid will not be held). Wrap the tape around the resulting tow. Of course, the ribbon to twist into a bundle along with the hair, but then it is likely that she, too, twisted and will not look very neat. However, this is again the case of taste - with braids and ribbons can experiment as you like.

In the same way, twist a tourniquet out of the second strand. Now twist the strands of each other counterclockwise. Twist them hard - so your cord will be more tight. The tip of the spit secure eraser (best to use transparent silicone gum hair).


Contact or inverted French braid with a ribbon

This braid begin to spin as well as the usual French braid - on top of or below the lock of hair isolated and separated it into three parts. Under this strand separate another thin strand and tie her belt. Add it to the central strand.

 weaving braids with ribbon scheme
  weaving braids with ribbon scheme

Crisscross one with another right and center strand so that the top was the middle strand. Then crisscross the left and the middle strand, placing above the average. Now add the right strand another thin strand of hair and it is woven into a braid, then add a small section to the left strand. Continue to weave the braid and make sure that the tape does not get lost in the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 And constantly remained on top.

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