iron health benefits
 If you constantly feel tired and out of sorts, perhaps your body is experiencing an iron deficiency. This element is very important for our health in many different ways. So, if you do not explain the feeling of depression and you think that you do not have enough iron (and it happens to most women), start to explore their own vital health benefits of iron and make changes in your diet today.

Lead by their health problems without the diagnosis? Check the level of iron in the very first place. Iron is an essential trace mineral for our body. It improves the blood, and in general is a vital element for the promotion of health.

However, according to experts, for example, 91% of women in the UK (Yes, to a considerable extent in many other countries) do not receive a sufficient amount of iron. As a result, about 35% of women experience a shortage of iron, which is paying the price with their health. This situation must be changed urgently.

Experts recommend that women receiving, at least, 14, 8 mg of iron per day.

Ideally, you should get it from your diet. But, if you suffer from heavy menstrual periods, bad eating or have just given birth, you may be in danger due to iron deficiency anemia.


What symptoms you should pay attention to?

 iron health benefits
 Nutritionists say that the sluggishness is the most common symptom associated with iron deficiency. However, if you have anemia, it can also cause shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations, headaches, pale complexion and brittle hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and nails. How not to bring this up? The first thing to change - make pravilnyyratsion power. Here is a list of some of the popular and iron-rich foods that should urgently to buy:

  • Spinach;
  • Eggs;
  • Red meat;
  • Oysters;
  • Mussels;
  • Beef;
  • Sardines;
  • Turkey;
  • Pumpkin seeds;
  • Almonds;
  • Beans.

Vegetarians also recommended to eat dried fruits, whole grains, green leafy vegetables and legumes, but a warning: they must be eaten with a source of vitamin C, iron, to have learned well.

To get everything you need, why not take supplements that are excellent choices for vegetarians and meat eaters, as they also contain difficult to get the nutrients - vitamin B12 and trace minerals such as zinc.

If you think that you have low iron, evaluate your lifestyle, diet and the symptoms, but do not worry. It's easier than ever - start to feel good again.


Top ten major benefits that you should know about iron

  • Blood

We all lose a certain amount of iron in our body every day. Jogging and sending small needs - these are just some of the ways in which our body loses iron. We lose even more when we have the blood flows. Painful menstruation, shaving cuts and other ways in which our body loses iron - we are always vulnerable to lower its level. That is why it is so important to get sufficient iron.

The main function of iron is the formation of hemoglobin (the molecule in red blood cells that carry oxygen). Not only that iron gives the blood a dark shade of red What color goes red: beware  What color goes red: beware
 It also helps to transport oxygen to body cells and oxygen is vital for our organs and muscles, giving them the opportunity to work.

  • Working muscles

Iron is the main nutrient for strong, healthy muscles and without it your muscles may be weak and flabby. If you exercise, Iron helps cells to your muscles, which work under stress, to obtain the necessary amount of oxygen - it is therefore a very important trace element for those who play sports.

  • Healthy Brain

 iron health benefits
 Iron is directly linked to the health of our brain, but not in the sense of his genius. Delivery of oxygen in the blood is provided with iron, as well as the brain uses about 20% of blood oxygen, iron is directly linked to the health of our brain. A sufficient amount of iron in our diet can actually stimulate cognitive activity and also help prevent a cognitive disorder. Basically, iron helps our brain grow healthy. So without it you can contribute to some mental health problems in the future.

  • Fighting prostration

If you feel sleepy or sluggish during the day, do not drag a sweet snack Low calorie snacks  Low calorie snacks
 . Fight afternoon energy slump and enhance it with the iron-rich foods. If your body lacks iron, it is much harder to work harder to get the energy it needs. These factors can lead to fatigue, weakness, irritability, inability to focus. Having enough iron in your diet, you will be easy to fight fatigue and increase your energy. Eat, for example, almond.

  • Immunity

You are constantly fight off colds and flu? If you feel that weakness, you may find that your immune system is very low, that is, there is a possibility that you do not have enough iron. Iron plays a key role in ensuring the strength of the immune system of our body that helps the body fight against a variety of diseases and infections.

It is easy to forget about the level of iron in the body, who actually checks this kind of thing, is not it? But it is important to give this matter some attention. Try to make the issue of iron intake very first case, since the morning. Scrambled eggs with baby spinach and a glass of fresh orange juice is a great way to increase the level of iron.

  • Healthy hair, skin and nails

Of course, you know the importance of beauty protein (keratin), you are constantly reading about it in beauty magazines. But our body also needs iron. So, if your iron levels are low, your hair, skin and nails will not look the best way.

Since blood carries oxygen throughout the body and enough iron helps build red blood cells, it can help you not to feel sluggish or tired and, of course, provide you with a good and lively complexion.

If you suffer from iron deficiency, your skin may be pale nails may be brittle and your hair may become markedly more dry, brittle and dull. For glowing skin and healthy hair and nails, make sure that you get the necessary amount of iron.

  • It's important for moms

 iron health benefits
 Pregnant women are particularly susceptible to a decrease in the iron level due to the requirements for child growth and development. In the last six weeks of pregnancy, the child builds svoesobstvennoe "vault" of iron extracted from the mother's body to use these reserves of the first four to six months after birth. Thus, the lack of iron may increase a woman three times to the end of pregnancy, and it is difficult to make up for it from dietary sources alone.

Most often, women experience iron deficiency before pregnancy, which can lead to problems during and after childbirth. To help fill up your iron levels try taking natural supplements of iron. And do not forget to increase your intake of vitamin C, to help iron absorption (refrain from coffee and tea, which may interfere with the absorption of iron).

  • Iron improves the quality of sleep

The level of iron plays a key role in helping to strengthen our immune system that can affect many aspects of our lives, like a dream in which we spend quite a long time. If you have trouble sleeping, you should check whether you eat enough iron, since it can help in the treatment of insomnia.

There are many natural ways to boost your iron levels. Incredibly in their photosynthetic capacity and energy plants and products, such as spirulina. Surprisingly, it accumulates the vital energy of the sun and is an excellent supplement with broad spectrum of our nutritional needs, including the replenishment of iron levels.

  • Weight Management

 iron health benefits
 Did you know that iron is the main vital nutrient that helps us lose weight? Whatever we have done and no thought, iron is essential for weight loss. Even with the lack of iron in the body, he is struggling to efficiently produce enough blood cells, such work wear, in turn, reduces appetite and energy (which is why many people become homebody) and helps burn fewer calories.

So if you are struggling to get rid of the extra kilos, talk to your doctor and ask him to check your iron level. It never hurts.

  • Iron helps with PMS

Blood loss during menstruation contribute to a higher risk of anemia in women, which is why they need more iron than men. Thus, unfortunately, menstruation brings even more problems than just premenstrual syndrome.

Iron-rich foods can really help ease your suffering PMS. According to research conducted at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, women who regularly consume foods rich in iron, in the thirty to forty percent less likely to suffer from PMS.

Your body will benefit from this vital trace element. The level of iron in your body is to be taken seriously.

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