Aromatherapy migraine: scents to help physicians
 Migraine - an insidious disease, can not remind Me months, hit the patient's head in the literal sense of the word the most inopportune moment. The most common headache is considered frivolous disease, while migraines - disorders of the brain, where the centers of pain. In the struggle with the unpleasant ailment all good, Aromatherapy can help prevent migraine, quick arrest vasospasm brain.

What is a migraine

A sharp headache Headache  Headache
   nausea, severe reaction to bright lights, sounds and smells will likely signal the development of a migraine. Pain It comes either gradually or lightning, grabbing, usually only one part of the head, preventing a full life, work. Migraine or hemicrania, most often a hereditary disease. The word "hemicrania" is formed from two Greek words «hemi», which means "half" and «kranion» - «skull," that is a pain in any one of the head.

The source of pain is smazmaliticheskoe Origin: cerebral vasospasm, their tone changes. Migraine attacks are combined a sharp deterioration, inability to look at bright light, nausea, vomiting. The patient starts yawning, pallor, cold hands and feet, reduced vision, sometimes numbness and tingling in different parts of the body.

When migraine attack is necessary to give the patient a sedative means, put in a warm, dark room, without any extraneous sounds, for normalization of vascular tone. The best treatment of migraines - prevention diseases that can be effectively carried out using aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy guard health

As a migraine begins his attack, it is difficult to help in the treatment, because to start the fight with a serious illness better on the stage of prevention. People migraine Migraine  Migraine
 Well aware of its symptoms and factors that may cause sharp attack. Someone migraine begins due to pressure drops or ambient temperature, an abrupt change of weather, someone sensitive to stress, hunger, thirst, extraneous noise is irritating, bright strong odor, other It does not transfer any food or medicine. Often seen migraine in women during the menstrual cycle and menopause.

Among the ways to quickly remove the beginning an attack by a Aromatherapy is allocated use of cold compresses applied on the forehead. Clean towel dipped in water, which dissolved three drops of lavender and peppermint essential oils. You can apply any one smell, check for compatibility with the condition of the patient. The compress should be changed as heating.

Another good way to relieve migraine attack - do light massage with oils: Apply a drop of essential oil to earlobes, elbow and knee bends, temples, frontal portion near the third eye, the area of ​​the carotid arteries, and the top of the seventh cervical vertebra. Neat moves clockwise arrow need to massage these points. To fit massage oils lemon balm, lavender, lemon, rosemary, basil, roses. In a heated state you can rub a mixture of these oils in the temples of the patient. However, it should not be rejection of the smells, otherwise the massage immediately stop.

Bath with essential oil has a calming effect, because if the patient's condition allows, you can dial the warm water and add five to seven drops of lemon or mint oil. At the same time right in the bath, you can drink a cup sweet tea with lemon and honey, which also help to calm down and relax.

For the prevention of migraine attacks can cook the mixture for aroma lamps, mixing two drops of essential oils of pine, mint and lemon. The same the mixture can be placed in aromakulony. Mixtures of aromatic oils for massage and rubbing migraine:

  • two drops of rosemary oil and mint, plus three drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • two drops of oil of geranium and ylang-ylang;
  • Three drops of essential oil of pine, two drops of geranium oil and One - a lemon.

The main rule is the use of aromatherapy methods prevention and treatment of migraine Treatment of migraine - a difficult task, but doable  Treatment of migraine - a difficult task, but doable
   - The smell should be like, do not cause rejection, or it may aggravate the disease.

It is interesting

Migraine - a fairly common disease: it suffers one of the seven people on Earth. Most often the disease begins at puberty maturation, it is inherited. In women, migraine is three times more likely, than men, due to frequent hormonal changes - during regular critical days, during pregnancy and menopause.

Not all treatments (popular and official, drugs) can help quickly stop pain because doctors recommend people who are prone to this disease, to engage in prevention - yoga regularly breathing exercises, aromatherapy.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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