bezallergenovaya diet
 If you've ever thought about going on a diet bezallergenovuyu, you need a few tips that can greatly ease the transition. Although it takes place each in its own way, you should approach this seriously, if you're trying to understand some unexplained symptoms, or want to understand how a certain kind of food is well tolerated by your body.


What bezallergenovaya diet

Before turning to the advice about diet bezallergenovoy you need more detail to find out what exactly is this bezallergenovaya diet. This type of diet called the method of determining the product that may cause an adverse reaction. We are all different and respond differently to certain foods. Seemingly benign soy or wheat can cause a range of symptoms.

Going on a diet bezallergenovuyu, sometimes called elimination diet, you'll exclude certain foods from your diet, then slowly reintroduce them to see if there is improvement.


Act wisely

If you think that you have an allergy or sensitivity to more than one food group, do not try to eliminate all suspected irritants at once. Eliminating more than one type of food, you will not be right to say what food is causing your symptoms and truly concerned about the body, moreover, it is not so easy. So if you want to try to eliminate gluten and dairy products, start with gluten, turn it on again in the diet, to see how you feel, then go to the exclusion of milk products from their diet.


Do not hurry

When it comes to bezallergenovoy diet, the longer you can hold out without a product, potentially causing symptoms, the better. In most cases, the exclusion of certain foods from the diet for at least two weeks is the minimum period. If you can do without it for a month, it's even better. Sometimes you can be sensitive to something, but antibodies - proteins that our immune system creates in response to certain foods - will take about three weeks to react to it. So, if your diet bezallergenovaya too short, you will not know is whether or not a product of the symptoms or not.


Which products should be excluded

The most common products that cause symptoms in people who are dairy products, gluten, soy, peanuts, shellfish, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners and yeast.

It seems that a lot of these products, and so actually is, but remember that you do not have to exclude all of them at once. And even if you are sensitive to some of them, it does not mean that you should abandon them forever. Many people can use these products in small quantities without moderate adverse reactions.


Try not to get involved in products Processed

If you for some time excluded gluten, for the most part, try to eat whole, unprocessed foods and not lean on a gluten-free processed products, such as cereals, bread, biscuits and so on. The fact that these products are labeled as gluten-free, does not mean that they are good for you. Treat them like any other food, treated, and as much as possible eat natural gluten-free products.


Potential benefits

Since you have decided to do without some of your favorite dishes that you get in return? Allergy or intolerance to certain foods may promote diseases such as chronic allergies, weight problems, autoimmune diseases, migraine Migraine  Migraine
 , Skin rashes, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, hair loss Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and much more. If you have any of the above diseases, the transition to bezallergenovuyu diet may very well help to get rid of the symptoms of these diseases.


Keep a diary

Keeping a food diary while you are on the elimination diet can be extremely useful. Use a diary to keep track of what foods you eat, and what not to eat, how you feel, and when you re-enter in your diet. Remember that once you eliminate the product and enter it again for the day, you need to keep track of whether your symptoms are improving or not. Then move on to the next product, and track response.

Daylight bezallergenovuyu diet may take some time, but what you learn about your body will be worth it. Keep in mind that the sensitivity to food or your triggers can change over time.

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