• Black eye: an alarm
  • Cosmetic decision

 black eyes
 Bruises under his eyes - one of the most common flaws appearance. Purple, gray, dark blue, brown or almost black circles under the eyes give the face a tired expression and unhealthy look. The reasons for the appearance of bruises under his eyes a lot, and of why lay under the eyes dark shadows depends on how best to get rid of this problem.


The reasons for the appearance of under-eye circles

Sleepless nights, endless worries and unresolved problems, feelings and resentment reflected on his face. Constant fatigue can not be hidden: the eyes lose their luster under them appear dark shadows, the skin looks pale and dull. It is no coincidence black eyes primarily associated with fatigue and stress - are the most common causes of this defect.

Fortunately, the deal with such bruises quite easily. If all a matter of fatigue, the way to solve the problem is obvious: the body needs rest. Prolonged sleep, walk in the fresh air, healthy food, vitamin complexes, positive emotions and philosophical attitude to adversity will help win the bruises under his eyes and regain a healthy skin tone. In addition, you need to quit smoking.

But the shadows under the eyes can appear for other reasons. One of them - the age-related changes of the skin. After forty years, the skin under the eyes becomes thin, through her blood vessels begin to shine. However, many people, especially with white delicate skin, similar problems have since childhood.

Most black eyes appear after drastic weight loss. It is believed that losing weight, women are just more beautiful. Alas, this is not always the case, especially if you lose weight adult women over 35 years old. Because of the sagging skin appear eye bags Bags under the eyes - no one is immune  Bags under the eyes - no one is immune
 And a decrease in body fat makes visible veins located in the eye. In addition, a diet - it is always a serious stress, during which the body loses a number of nutrients: it is also reflected in the condition of the skin under the eyes.

In diseases of the heart under the eyes often appear blue, purple or dark-gray shade. The brown pigmentation of the skin around the eyes - a sign of disorders of the liver. Dark circles are also often accompanied by kidney disease. When exhaustion and severe diseases of black eyes, too common. If this defect is due to health problems, it is necessary to begin not with getting rid of bruises, and with the treatment of the underlying disease.


Circles or bags?

Dark circles in the lower eyelids, and are often accompanied by such a defect, such as bags under the eyes. So called edema appearing in the eye. It seems that the skin forms a small pouch. In his youth, such swelling seem very scary, and sometimes attractive. But over the years, bags have become more pronounced, the skin is stretched, covered with a network of wrinkles and looks very ugly. Come to the aid ointment decongestants or even plastic surgery.

Bruises under the eyes can appear quite independently. In this case, the skin remains smooth and even, but its color changes. And get rid of dark circles, if they are, of course, caused by a more serious problem than a banal fatigue, can be very difficult.


Healthy lifestyle salvation

There are many creams on the circles under the eyes, but the funds are mostly ineffective. Creams moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
 But they can not solve health problems, or at least make the skin under the eyes tighter. Of course, their use does not worsen the situation, but also significant improvements should not wait: it is better to do the treatment of major diseases.

Home remedies also help, above all, on whose face bruises were due to overwork. To remove the dark shadows, you can use the express means (masks, compresses, lotions), and you can change your lifestyle to a healthy one. It is best to combine both of these methods.

Quiet sleep, walking on air, gymnastics for the eyes, giving up smoking and taking vitamins work wonders. Those who took cover under eye shadow, especially needed vitamins C and P, strengthen blood vessels. Regular intake of these vitamins will make the capillary walls stronger and bruises under his eyes - less pronounced.


Traditional methods

If the skin looks after a sleepless night not the best, it can be quickly put in order with the help of rapid means. Masks moisturize the skin, soothe her and make circles under the eyes less noticeable.

The most famous mask of the skin under the eyes - cucumber. You can just put cucumber slices on the eyelids can grate a cucumber Cucumber for Beauty and Health  Cucumber for Beauty and Health
   grated and make a mask out of this slurry. In any case, vegetables should be used in conjunction with a peel. Duration of procedure - 20 minutes.

Another well-known recipe - potato mask. Grated on a fine grater raw potatoes (this time peeled) mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil and applied to the problem area. After twenty minutes, remove the mask: the bruises under the eyes will become much lighter, if not lost.

If the circles under the eyes are accompanied by edema, effective the mask of parsley, turned into a puree. Mixed with a small amount of green mass of oil left on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then washed with cool water.

It is possible to remove the mask to use not ordinary water and tea brew, which has long been used to care for the eyes. Packs of cotton pad soaked in strong black tea perfectly refresh the skin under the eyes, the eyes returned to shine, contribute to the disappearance of bruises. And it can be used to compress and are usually used tea bags - they need to hold five minutes in the freezer and then put on the eyelids.

Generally, cold - the best assistant in the fight against many skin defects. Clear signs of fatigue can be if to rub the skin with ice, made from herbs or a decoction of black tea. Will be effective, and various ice packs.

Read more Cosmetic decision

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