breathing exercises Pregnant
 Even the ancients knew that breathing has a special significance for the human body and with the help of special breathing exercises can significantly improve health. It built on these principles, such as Yogi breathing exercises, in which the performance of breathing exercises allows you to focus on exercises that calms and leads to relaxation of muscles.

 Breathing exercises for pregnant women - relaxing muscles

Breathing and pregnancy

When he inhaled the air through the upper airway into the lungs, where oxygen in the air is absorbed into the blood and transported to the arteries to all organs and tissues. The exhaled air is removed from the body the carbon dioxide that is obtained as a result of metabolic processes in the tissues. Of the tissues to the lungs as it falls through the circulatory system, but through the veins. If for some reason, the oxygen becomes insufficient, it affects all organs and tissues, especially the brain. For pregnant women, this is particularly dangerous because it can hurt the brain child. That's why pregnant women are assigned breathing exercises.

In pregnant women, the increasing uterus pushes organs of the abdomen and diaphragm up, which hinders the action of the diaphragm - the main muscle performing respiratory movements. Reduced lung capacity, that is, the body receives less oxygen, and since it is very necessary, the heart begins to decline faster to get rid of more blood through the lungs. Oxygen demand at the end of pregnancy is increased more than a third. In this situation, only special breathing exercises able to relieve the stress to the cardiovascular system and normalize the condition of the pregnant woman.

Breathing exercises for pregnant women Gymnastics for pregnant women - help in childbirth  Gymnastics for pregnant women - help in childbirth
   pursues a purely practical purposes:

  • It facilitates the access of oxygen to the brain of the fetus;
  • improves blood circulation of pregnant women, including those in the placenta that is, and fetal circulation;
  • It eliminates or significantly reduces toxicosis first half and the second half part of pregnancy;
  • relieves uterine tonic The tone of the uterus - the most important indicator for pregnant women  The tone of the uterus - the most important indicator for pregnant women
 That may periodically occur during pregnancy.

Breathing exercises should be performed daily, in order to correct breathing for a pregnant woman's habitual and natural.

 Breathing exercises for pregnant women - relaxing muscles

Types of breathing exercises for pregnant women

All breathing exercises for pregnant women can be divided into two groups: pure breathing and breathing motion. Women breathe mainly using only the intercostal muscles is called thoracic breathing. When breast breathing diaphragm hardly moves, so the abdominal organs massage almost exposed. When the diaphragm comes into operation massages the abdominal organs, which causes the intestines to work more actively (decrease bloating and nausea), liver (active metabolites are excreted). Such a breath is called complete. Therefore, learning proper breathing begins with learning the full breath.

 Breathing exercises for pregnant women - relaxing muscles

Full breath

Full breath begins with maximum exhalation, and then relax your abdominal muscles and lower parts of the lungs easily filled with air, then lowered the diaphragm, air fills the middle section, and only at the end - the upper parts of the lungs (raised collarbone and upper ribs). Exhale is as follows: First sink the clavicle, ribs, stomach and retracts the pelvic floor, followed by a relaxation of the muscles of the abdomen and a new breath. Such a breath of much help during delivery process, when needed will be strong, but not sharp movement of the diaphragm.

After abdominal breathing skills will be fully utilized, they must be combined with the movements, such as walking or exercise, and then try to make breathing more economical.

 Breathing exercises for pregnant women - relaxing muscles

Economical breath

Ever since the Indian yogis know that the breath should be longer than the exhalation twice, and between exhalation and the next inhalation should be a slight pause. This is necessary to ensure that blood has accumulated an increased amount of carbon dioxide that can shoot excitement (this is also useful during childbirth). Coaching the respiratory system should be gradual. For example, if a woman has a normal breath takes 3 seconds, then exhale when breathing economy must be equal to 6 seconds. But this should happen gradually, increasing the breath for one minute each workout. A woman should be to strive for the following scheme: 3 seconds inhale, exhale for 6 seconds, 2 seconds - holding your breath. To this breathing has become a habit, it takes at least a week training.

After this exercise will be fully understood, extend for a second breath and gradually double towards him exhale. This breathing exercise will greatly help during childbirth, when you need to push and hold your breath.

Breathing exercises during pregnancy contribute to the normalization of the general condition of the woman, including the removal of unpleasant sensations, sometimes accompanying state of pregnancy, it is prepared to leave when the proper breathing helps the natural childbirth process. Proper breathing should be natural for a woman, so that she can at any time to use its principles to ease their condition.

Galina Romanenko

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