• Comedones - problems with dots
  • How To Deal

 Comedones are not life-threatening disease, but it can really poison the existence of those who are faced with this problem. Small black and white dots spoil the appearance of not only young people - they are often annoying, and people aged 20 to 30 years. In some people they persist as long as the skin is a result of age-related changes are becoming more dry - then blackheads go away.

Comedones - is the medical term used to refer to black and whiteheads. Blackheads are also called open comedones, and white - closed. Blackheads are formed when sebum - sebum - clog pores. In the open pores of the upper part of the plug of sebum oxidizes and darkens - so there are blackheads. On the surface, the other has been a thin layer of skin cells, which prevents oxidation - thereby form whiteheads.



The exact cause of the formation of comedones is still unknown - although not many studies of this problem. Most likely they are the result of exposure to a number of factors, among them - the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, especially hormonal and possibly the wrong skin care Skin Care as a habit  Skin Care as a habit
 . Additionally, a predisposition to the formation of comedones, apparently, related to genetics - such skin troubles are often observed in families.



People whose skin Comedones appear regularly, it is first necessary twice a day to clean the skin with a mild soap and water. From scrubs is better to completely give up, or use them very sparingly. In addition, you can use the following external agents for the treatment of comedones.

Benzoyl peroxide - one of the most common tools for problem skin Tools for problem skin  Tools for problem skin
 . It is safe for children, adolescents, and pregnant women. Benzoyl peroxide cleans the skin, reduces inflammation and kills bacteria that live on the skin surface. In stores and drug stores can be found, creams, gels and lotions benzoyl peroxide at a concentration of 2.5%, 5% or 10%. They can be used in combination with other drugs for problem skin, but must first be consulted with a doctor or pharmacist - This will help prevent unwanted interaction between the drugs.

Be patient - it may take several months before the benzoyl peroxide will greatly reduce the number of comedones.

Side effects of benzoyl peroxide can be:

  • Dryness and peeling of the skin - to cope with them, use a light moisturizer containing no oils;
  • Skin irritation. If irritation need to start using the funds from the benzoyl peroxide somewhat less. If it persists or worsens, select product with a lower concentration of the active ingredient, or even stop using benzoyl peroxide;
  • Contact dermatitis. Symptoms of this disorder are redness, dryness and itching of the skin. For the treatment of contact dermatitis, you can use hydrocortisone ointment.

Salicylic acid removes dead skin cells, stimulates the regeneration of the skin, and increases the effectiveness of other agents used to treat comedones. In addition, it prevents the formation of new acne. The market can find a variety of means with salicylic acid - ointments, gels, wipes, lotions, foams, and so forth. Concentration of salicylic acid in various products for problem skin varies from 0.5% to 30%; in treating comedones commonly used means a relatively low concentration of the substance.

Any funds with salicylic acid must be used exactly according to instructions on the package. Avoid contact with their eyes or mucous membranes; If this should happen, the drug should be carefully wash immediately with plenty of water. Do not use products with salicylic acid to irritated or damaged skin.

Typically, salicylic acid is very well tolerated, and only in cases where medications are used with a very high concentration of this substance, it can cause a slight tingling sensation. An allergy to salicylic acid is very rare.

Consult your doctor if after using the products with salicylic acid you experience any redness or irritation of the skin.

Alpha-hydroxy acids are most commonly used for skin rejuvenation, but sometimes they are used for the treatment of comedones. Peelings with alpha gidrokislotami remove a significant portion of the stratum corneum, so that the skin is cleaner, and its texture improves.

Making peeling with alpha hydroxy acids is usually recommended at least once every two weeks. The results will be visible after the first procedure, but it will take at least a month before comedones will be much less. Alpha-hydroxy acids may cause slight redness or scaling of the skin, which will take a couple of days, or faster - if you use a moisturizer.

Microdermabrasion. If the above-mentioned means for treating comedones not give the desired result, it can be microdermabrasion - a procedure in which by means of fine abrasive particles to remove the top layers of skin cells. Already after the first procedure comedones become much less visible, however, in order to achieve maximum effect, it takes several sessions of microdermabrasion. This procedure takes a little time for its implementation does not require anesthesia, and it causes only a slight reddening of the skin, so that the person almost immediately after microdermabrasion can return to work or school. With microdermabrasion can also eliminate the scars that often remain on the skin after the treatment of comedones.

Read more How To Deal

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