 Meet new people is never easy, but if you say man meeting a few compliments, it helps you to quickly establish contact and release tension. Remember that while you should be as sincere. The main thing - is to know when and what is appropriate to say compliments.

Do not talk too banal compliments, and sincerely try to show his admiration for these or other advantages the person with whom you are meeting for the first time. The most common compliment to say to women, although they are also pleasing the male half of humanity.


What compliments can speak

  • Compliments about the clothes we can talk to both women and men. If this is a man, then you can simply praise his shirt or tie. But a woman can say a compliment about all the parts of her wardrobe, including, blouse, skirt, dress and so on.
  • In addition to clothing women can talk about their compliments decorations. The man should be commended for his watch, for example.
  • Compliments about hairstyles also can talk to both women and men.
  • If the person with whom you meet, beautiful white teeth and a charming smile, you can make him a compliment about it.
  • If you meet a man who came from other areas of the country and you like his accent, do not be afraid to tell a compliment regarding his accent. If you do not know what to tell people when they first met, and how to start a conversation, you can use a simple compliment that you have heard many good things about your interlocutor from a friend, relative or co-workers. And if you have not heard anything, you can just say how waiting for this meeting.
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 If so, of course, it will be.
  • A person who is fully dressed, always appropriate to say a compliment about his attire and accessories.
  • Another compliment that you can say to a person when they first met - a compliment about his good manners.
  • When you are invited to someone's house for lunch or dinner, be sure to compliment the owners with respect to the prepared dishes. It is also possible to make a compliment regarding colors if they are in the building. It is harmless and, at the time, a nice compliment Well, emphasizing the taste of the house owners.
  • When you come to visit the man and did not know what a compliment to him to do, then we can emphasize its great taste to the passion for sports (if you'll see on the walls of his house some sports diplomas, awards, etc.). The man is to be especially nice to hear. The same can be said if you see an interesting book in the house, where you are invited.
  • In the end, if the person you see for the first time, there is a beautiful car, then why not make a compliment about this?


Compliments to the young man

Compliment can and must speak to those who you love, especially if you want to get closer.

  • Compliment on the exterior would be relevant only if your guy has made some changes, that is, changed the hair, shaved off his mustache and beard, and so on. If you see it every day without any changes in appearance, such a compliment would sound strange.
  • If your guy wears a T-shirt with the name of a group, or you see it with a small volume of the classics, be sure to make him a compliment. Let him know you appreciate his taste and that you have a lot in common.
  • Your guy is great jokes? Tell him about it. Your guy won the football match? Praise him. The main thing that all the compliments were sincere.
  • When you say to a compliment to her lover, then do not run away and wait for his answer, and then you can start talking.
  • Compliments best to say when someone who you like, is alone, without friends. Otherwise, they can start to tease and urged on it.
  • In general, to establish a relationship with a guy that you like, do not be afraid to pay compliments. They were pleased to hear everything.
  • But there are so-called dubious compliment that you should try to avoid.
  • If you know a guy, then in any case do not tell him that he is not your type of bit. This is going to sound demeaning to him, as if you just had to lower their standards for boys.
  • When you meet with a guy, but you know that physically you do not like, then in any case do not tell him that he is a good man. It would be a shame for him as soon makes it clear that he is ugly and does not attract you physically.
  • If you met someone who knew before, but hardly recognized because of changes that have occurred with the man, for example, there was excess weight, acne and so on, you should not tell him that you hardly recognize him.
  • Also, avoid compliments that people now do not have any personal relationship. It can also be annoying.


Backhanded compliment

Doubtful and compliments are like the following: I do not know that girls can play so well in video games! Really guys can collect such bouquets! It compliments related stereotypes based on gender, so never used it. If your friend is a guy knows how to do hair, and the girl play paintball, then show him the surprise, but just tell me how well they are able to do so.

Another backhanded compliment associated with ethnicity. If you say you are very beautiful for Asian or sexy for blacks, it is offensive, but not nice.

If you saw a person only photo from social networks, and in his life, he seemed to you to others, you can not talk to him about it. Otherwise, people will think that in life it looks worse than the photo, even if it is not.

A compliment on what someone seems to you a great friend, may sound offensively if that someone is interested in you, not as a friend. Be careful and avoid this compliment in this case.

In general, as you can see, paying compliments - is also an art, which can, if desired, to master each. Do not be afraid to pay compliments to others and you will hear something nice in return.

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