Cosmetic Surgery
 Cosmetic surgery today attracts not only women but also men: improving appearance today for many is the key to self-confidence. And perfection, as we know, there is no limit, which clearly demonstrate some women. But oddly enough, each time the effect of cosmetic surgery is becoming more doubtful.


What is cosmetic surgery and what it does

Cosmetic surgery - this branch of plastic surgery, which is engaged in a purely cosmetic operation aimed at improving the aesthetics of the face and body.

Cosmetic operations are conducted in areas of the body that are most visible from the side - on the face, neck, chest, abdomen, arms and legs. Basically it is a division of plastic surgery deals with problems of facial rejuvenation and body, including the removal of wrinkles, modified oval face, increase or decrease in the chest, a decrease in cellulite and so on.

In this section of medicine is particularly important qualification of the doctor and his artistic taste. The doctor may not agree with everything he wants to do with his appearance the patient, in some cases it is even talk of the operation. And then we will not see famous actresses with lips-dumplings Vareniki. Do the world something tasty?  Vareniki. Do the world something tasty?
   and overtensioned tightening persons.

Today, almost all the centers of cosmetic surgery before the operation is carried out computer simulations of the future appearance of the patient: the doctor with the patient picks it looks correct, advises against too pronounced changes, imperceptible slope to that, however, significantly improve the appearance. The more noticeable results of such an operation, the higher qualification physician.

Cosmetic surgery is divided into surgery face and body. The most common plastic surgeons specialize in one of these types, but there are also surgeons wagons.

The most common cosmetic surgery on the face is a circular face lift, neck lift, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), nose (rhinoplasty), ear (otoplasty), elimination of fine facial wrinkles, hair transplantation.

On the body popular operations such as liposuction (removal of fat) at different areas of the body, increase or reduction of the mammary glands.

The blade cosmetic surgery wrinkles can be smoothed using Botox injections, to increase the volume and alter the shape of the lips with the help of special injections and so on.


Cosmetic Facial Surgery

Cosmetic surgery of the face - is often a struggle with aging. With age, changes shape of the face, it is "floating" down there "crow's feet" around the eyes and nasolabial folds crisp. All this can be restored by means of cosmetic surgery.

During surgery, the surgeon cuts a circular tightening the muscles that causes a person to frown, and other wrinkles, removes some tissue, creating a pendulous, tightens the skin and sutured to the edges of the cut. Postoperative scar runs mainly beneath the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and therefore invisible.

To eliminate the wrinkles that can not be eliminated by using circular braces, dermabrasion is used - removing the surface layer of skin using a rotating abrasive tool, a method of deep chemical peeling with phenol.

Sometimes simultaneously Facelifting Facelift: how to restore youth  Facelift: how to restore youth
   Eyelid surgery is performed - removes excess skin on the upper and lower eyelids, bags under the eyes Hernia, which leads to a clear, open, youthful look.

The shape of the nose can be changed with rhinoplasty surgery. During this operation, the surgeon usually makes incisions inside the nostrils to avoid visible scarring. Depending on what is required to change, the operation goes to the soft tissue of the nose, cartilage or bone. After the operation, the nasal cavity swabs introduced warning bleeding. After removal of sutures bruising and swelling of tissues and can gradually come to see the result of the operation.


Cosmetic surgery of the body

The body is most often performed surgery mammoplasty - increasing or decreasing breast and liposuction (liposuction).

Right liposuction allows you to get rid of the fat in this area of ​​the body. But this is not the fact that the fat does not appear in another place, if a person will gain weight. Liposuction surgery is better to do for those who still retained the elasticity of the skin. Otherwise, saggy skin has to be removed with the help of another operation.

Cosmetic surgery can completely change a person's appearance. That's only worth so radically changed? Most often it is inconspicuous surgical correction changes the appearance of the person the better.

Galina Romanenko

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