soy diet on meat
 Soya meat, or as it is called, soy texturate - quite a popular product among vegetarians and fasting, who want to give up eating meat, but are not ready to say goodbye to your favorite taste. As a substitute for malokalorien very popular and diet on soy meat for those who want to lose weight and cleanse your body.


Such proteins are welcome

 soy diet on meat
 For quite some time, doctors began to think how food affects health. In the twentieth century, when the fashion firmly established thinness, a lot of diets not only for healing but also for weight loss. Today, nutritionists invent diets, which simultaneously help to lose weight and improve health.

In essence, any diet based on limiting nutrients - fats, carbohydrates or proteins. And just proteins restrictions apply are usually the last to: proteins, according to the doctors, it is necessary for the body to function properly. However, animal proteins are not so harmless. Use them in excessive amounts (for example, when the protein diet) is detrimental to the state of the cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems, and can even lead to cancer. Moreover, the vast majority of animal origin contains no proteins in pure form and in combination with fat that leads to weight gain.

Therefore, more and more often dieticians offer abandon animal food at least briefly, shifting to the food plant.

Plant proteins are considered less high-grade than animals, but they can fully satisfy the body's need for protein and is not to inflict harm.

Importantly, the calorie products - vegetable protein sources are usually much lower caloric content than meat.


Soy meat: calorie

 soy diet on meat
 Best replacement juicy and tasty, but are harmful and nutritious pork chops during the diet - soy. Rather, texturate soy or soy meat Soy meat: benefit or harm  Soy meat: benefit or harm
   - The protein-rich product containing only a small amount of fat. With the proper preparation of a soy meat to taste almost indistinguishable from the meat of this. Although the consistency of the product a little bit unusual, soy meat in the diet becomes a great alternative to the forbidden dishes.

Soy meat is used for weight loss began relatively recently: before this product is used primarily to reduce the cost of production of meat products. But just look how many calories in soy meat, and it is clear that soy texturate the diet is simply irreplaceable. One hundred grams of "vegetable meat" made from soy contains only 100 calories, less than five grams of carbohydrate, less than one gram of fat and as much as 20 grams of high-grade vegetable protein. For comparison, one hundred grams of mutton calories twice more fat and fifteen times. Pork tripled calories and contains more than 30 times more fat. Accordingly, it is sufficient to substitute one meat dish with soy analogue to "facilitate" your diet to 200-400 calories.


Soy meat - it

 soy diet on meat
 Soy texturate prepared from defatted soy flour that remains after the production of oil, water and extrusion. The result is a spongy mass of gray What color goes gray: a diverse and versatile  What color goes gray: a diverse and versatile
 Rich in protein and thus is substantially free of fats. The mass is cut into pieces and dried.

Before preparing the soy meat is soaked in water, broth or marinade. When this product is saturated with moisture and aromas. In itself, soy meat has virtually no smell or taste, so it goes on sale often processed flavors and flavor enhancers.

Soya is very useful, but many regard it with suspicion.

The fact that almost all soybeans used to make including "vegetable meat" - genetically modified.

This means that the effects of the consumption of these products can be quite unpredictable. For example, there is the view that genetically modified products can lead to health problems not only in those who eat them, but also their descendants.


Lose weight with soy

 soy diet on meat
 How to lose weight with soy meat? The easiest option - to replace their meat products plant (soya) analogues. Instead chop - soy steak instead of soup with meatballs - Meatball soup with soy instead of pork goulash - a similar dish made from soy. The more meat in the diet was, the greater the effect will be such a change: calorie fall sharply, which means kgs will leave.

But that's not all. Lack of animal foods in the diet did not slow to affect the condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Gradually cleansed vessels disappear rashes on the face, adjust work intestine. Many people give up meat in my favor, say a feeling of lightness and vigor.

Sometimes it is not enough to give up meat to significantly reduced calorie diet and weight began to decline. Soy texturate need to cook. Caloric soy meat patties, fried in oil, to be not much lower than conventional fried cutlets, by preparing a large quantity of oil. To make these burgers really diet, you should cook them steamed or baked in the oven. The latter method is probably preferable, as the cutlets Cutlets: a variety of national cuisines  Cutlets: a variety of national cuisines
   appetizing crust is formed, so that the value of meat lovers.

Great importance has also the liquid which is soaked in soy texturate before cooking. Desirably, this liquid contains at least fat or not contained at all. Instead of fat broth or marinade with the addition of oils is better to take the broth of vegetables, generously flavored with herbs, pepper, bay leaf. Since soy meat will get rich flavor without adding calories.

Maria Bykov

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