 A facelift, or rhytidectomy - an operation for facial rejuvenation, during which the plastic surgeon can not only make the skin more elastic, and remove excess body fat and tighten the muscles of the face, which is inevitable with age lose their elasticity. In some cases, a facelift is performed with blepharoplasty Blepharoplasty  Blepharoplasty
   (surgery for the correction of age), rhinoplasty, and other types of plastic surgery. No operation can not return to the health and energy of youth, as well as to stop or at least significantly slow down the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . However, with the help of a face-lift, some signs of aging can be for some time to make less noticeable.

As is the case with other types of plastic surgery, before you go to do a facelift, you need to have a clear idea of ​​the desired result; In addition, it is important to understand that can really make a plastic surgeon, and what is still beyond the scope of medicine. All this is sure to advance discussion with the surgeon, who, among other things, explain in detail to the patient, what result it can expect after surgery.


Consultation before surgery

During the first consultation the doctor asks about the patient's expectations with respect to the operation, the state of her health, including - the presence of diseases in which a face lift may be contraindicated. In addition, the surgeon should examine the structure of the face - to evaluate the texture of the skin, its color and elasticity, as well as noting especially beneath the skin bones. He explains the details of the operation and the patient recovery process and tells her exactly how to lift her face may change. Approximately two weeks prior to surgery can not take aspirin or any other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (paracetamol to take at this time is not prohibited). How weeks before and after a facelift patients can not smoke because due to smoking may slow down the recovery process of the skin.


How is the operation

Though facelift surgery can take several hours, in most cases it is an outpatient - ie, patients can go home on the day of operation. Only in the most severe cases of patients for a short time to leave the hospital.

Depending on the plan of the operation, it is performed under local or general anesthesia. To make it easier to relax the patient during surgery, which is performed under local anesthesia, it is, in addition to the anesthetic, can give a sedative.

The operation begins with the fact that the plastic surgeon makes incisions in the temple, in front of the ear, behind the ear, and on the front hairline Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . Thereafter, the skin on some parts separated from an underlying fat and muscle tissue. The surgeon removes excess fat in the neck and chin, tightens muscle tissue and skin to eliminate the signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin. If carried out simultaneously with rhytidectomy neck lift, the surgeon makes an incision under the chin to hold similar manipulation of the neck.

At the end of surgery, the surgeon may temporarily placed under the skin behind the ears thin tube through which will display the blood collected in these areas. Finally, the doctor sews the incisions and apply a bandage.



Absolutely any operation associated with certain risks. Facelift rarely leads to serious problems, but among its side effects and complications may be:

  • Hematoma - collection of blood under the skin to remove that sometimes require repeated surgical intervention;
  • Damage to the nerves that control facial muscles (usually pretty soon recovered themselves);
  • Infections;
  • An allergic reaction to the anesthesia.


The recovery process

In typical cases, the bandage after a facelift can not shoot for 48-72 hours. Sutures are removed about a week after surgery. A day or two after rhytidectomy recommended bed rest. At this time, the facial skin in patients is very pale, swollen, in some places there are bruises. All this is normal and will pass with time. If necessary, take painkillers, which are recommended by the doctor.

At least two weeks after surgery to avoid intense loads (including housework and sex). Alcoholic beverages, hot tubs and saunas are banned for several months. You can go back to work, on average, two to three weeks, although it may take a month or more before the patient begins to feel as energetic as before surgery.

In the first three weeks after a face-lift necessary to sleep without a pillow, because the cushion can be operated on recently can damage the skin. Men who did rhytidectomy, may find that they now need to shave the skin behind the ears - this is due to the fact that as a result of a facelift skin, which grows stubble shifted.

After a face-lift scars are small, but they are almost invisible because they hide the natural folds of the skin or hair. In addition, over time, scars lighten and become almost indistinguishable.

For some time after the facelift some people feel depressed. It is particularly strong in the early days, when a person still in the bruising and swelling and, despite the fact that a person told about postoperative period, only now he truly understands that the results of the facelift will have to wait a long time. Depression in this case is perfectly normal and should not go more than a week later, when the stitches will be removed and will see the first results of the operation. Final conclusions on the results can be done only after a few months, when the skin and the tissue underneath it is completely restored.

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