foods containing vitamin D
 Each person on a daily basis need to get a certain portion of the vitamins and minerals that support its health. At deficiency of a substance there is an imbalance, leading to negative consequences on the part of organs and systems. The benefits of many vitamins we hear all the time, and among them - vitamin D, which is synthesized in the body how and extracted them from food. Foods containing vitamin D are widely available, so they need to take note, preventing vitamin deficiencies.


Form of vitamin D

Under vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   D does not imply a vitamin, a group of biologically active substances, some of which are produced in the body by the action of sunlight, others may only be ingested with food. The first group includes vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol, the second - vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol.

Due to the massive advertising of vitamin and mineral complexes, many of us know that vitamin D is needed by the body for digestion of other substances - calcium and magnesium, which in its absence does not do any good. Furthermore, it is known that this vitamin is fat-soluble, so its full assimilation, and hence for the assimilation of other substances to which it contributes fat needed for transportation.

Adherence to a strict diet with almost complete rejection of fat of any nature always leads to a deficiency of essential vitamins, including vitamins A, E, D, and calcium.


Fish and dairy kingdom

Fish - a leader on the content of vitamin D among the food, so it is necessary to pay attention to cover the daily allowance. A huge amount of this vitamin is found in fish oil Fish oil - from childhood  Fish oil - from childhood
 Which in Soviet times compulsorily given to children to prevent rickets and normal tissue formation. The cod liver oil contains 100 micrograms of vitamin D (200 mg vs. fish oil). To cover the daily allowance is enough to make 50-80 gugrya, Greenland halibut, carp, chum salmon, trout, salmon, mackerel, mackerel, humpback salmon. Get vitamin D may be in the egg yolks and butter well.

One glass of milk contains a quarter of the daily value of vitamin D. Of course, it is not necessary to cover the daily allowance of the vitamin drink milk liters, but if you do not have lactose intolerance, a glass of milk can be included in the daily menu as a source not only of vitamin D, but also his "best friend" - calcium, necessary for the body at any age.


Vegetable products

In contrast to the fish and its by-products, which contain heavy doses of vitamin D, in cereals and dairy products, it is not much, but enough to motivate the daily consumption of whole grains. Coupled with the animal fats they are able to pay off the deficit of vitamin D, the body regularly supplying vitamins B6, essential for a healthy nervous system.

A good source of vitamin D are considered to be fungi, but its content depends on the species. In them, he saved both in fresh and in dried and pickled. It is important to consume mushrooms are grown under favorable environmental conditions.

Vitamin D you can easily find in any vegetable oil, which can be daily, but in moderation, fill salads. Is this vitamin in a small amount in cabbage, citrus fruits, nuts. A great way to cover the daily requirement of vitamin D - added to food greens - dill and parsley enough.


The dangers of diets

Lack of calcium and vitamin D leads to increased fragility of bones, teeth, nails, poor skin condition, so attention to their diet, and it contained a sufficient amount of fat and essential vitamins and minerals can not be overstated.

From vitamin D deficiency may suffer vegans and vegetarians. That's because this vitamin is found mainly in foods of animal origin. For the consumption standards of the vitamin a person does not eat meat, fish and dairy products should be either dramatically increase the amount of intake of fruits and vegetables containing sufficient quantity or to make vitamin D in the form of medication.

Without vitamin D the impossible absorption of essential vitamins and minerals - this axiom is sufficient to monitor its sufficient quantity in the diet and avoid deficit.

The daily requirement of vitamin D - 5-10 mcg.

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