Gymnastics face
 For a person applies not only cosmetics, skin and muscles of the face can be kept in good shape just like the muscles of the body. Gymnastics for the person referred to in different ways, but the essence of it boils down to one thing: it can help gain muscle firmness, oval face is becoming more defined, fat deposits disappear, but the face itself becomes a sculpture and relief. Gymnastics for the person can easily do at home, it will not take much time, but will bring fun and a good result.


Mimic charge

There is yoga Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin  Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin
   face, fitness for face and other types of physical activity that is similar in its effects to the body workout. Gymnastics for the person is a set of exercises, based on stress and relaxation of muscles, during which they get a good workout. They can play a positive role if you want to get rid of double chin, make the cheekbones more expressive contours, increase the elasticity of the muscles of the forehead, to carry out prevention of facial wrinkles and other signs of aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   a sagging and loss of elasticity.

Despite the fact that facial exercises seems easy and non-traumatic process compared with traditional physical activity on the body, its security is very conditional. If you do the exercises without complying with certain rules, mindlessly cutting and relaxing the muscles, strongly pulling the skin, the result may be opposite to the desired. Instead, you get a weakening of the elastic tissue, sagging, laxity, wrinkles, which promotes active mimicry. Therefore, all exercises should be performed on the face carefully before performing gymnastics skin should be clean, and after it put the active cream, the effectiveness of which could worsen. After gymnastics accelerates blood circulation, opens the pores, improves metabolism, and applied to the skin products penetrate deep into the epidermis.


Exercises for the face

Each exercise is performed 10-15 times.

  • Exercises Forehead

Place the palms on the forehead of each other. Push them tightly to his forehead, trying to raise his eyebrows up, but resisting the muscles of the forehead.

Other training forehead: Put thumbs on the temporal region, and the index is located along the growth lines the eyelids. Drag your fingers in an upward direction and at the same time lower the eyebrows down. This is an excellent prevention of the formation of wrinkles on the forehead.

  • Exercises for eyes

Close your eyes, put two fingers on each eyelid. Try to open your eyes, overcoming the pressure of the fingers.

Put your finger on the lower eyelid area directly along the contour of the eye bone. Glancing up, trying to cut the muscle of the lower eyelid, overcoming the pressure of the fingers.

  • Exercises for the jaw and cheeks

To exercise the muscles of the cheeks there are exercises in putting on the cheeks and a gradual deflation. They are easy to implement and very effective. You can dial in your mouth the air and move it their one cheek to the other, gradually, short jerks sharply to release him. Delay air inflated cheeks, then release it rarely one jerk.

Place four fingers on the cheeks, where their "apple" and put pressure on them. Try to smile with effort, overcoming the resistance of the fingers.

  • Lip Exercises

Close the lips and squeeze them, trying not to wrinkle - is very effective exercise strengthens the muscles in this area. For a result to keep his lips in tension should be at least 10 seconds.

Put your fingers on lips and try to pull them into a tube, overcoming the resistance of the hand.

  • Exercise against the second jaw

Second chin - an unpleasant phenomenon, but even small efforts enough to eliminate it. Put your head straight, somknite hand into a fist, and substitute it in the bottom of the chin. Reach out your hand up while trying to open the jaw. It trains not only the chin, but the whole of the lower face and neck area.

Exercises are performed at rest, it is best to sit on a chair and just relax. Performing an exercise, it is important to breathe, inhaling through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Do not shoot down and breath delays.

Before gymnastics wash your hands.

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