• Headache - what is the cause of torment?
  • Kinds

 types of headaches

Types of headaches

Headache can accompany many diseases. It is different: garter, bursting inside, acute, obtuse, and so on. The same can be different causes of headache, so if you often have a headache, it is best not to swallow tablets and to consult a doctor, to understand the causes of this phenomenon.


Causes and types of headaches

Head pain is any pain in the head. Periodically, a headache almost everyone, but the concern should cause persistent or recurring headaches.

Headache may occur in any tissue in the head, which has nerves. Such nerve endings not only in brain tissue, however they can cause irritation of pain. But there are nerve endings in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, periosteum of the skull bones, membranes of the brain. They cause irritation and headache.

Headaches may be vascular, muscular, neuralgic, occurring against the backdrop of increased intracranial pressure or disruption of nerve endings, and others. Headache can also wear mixed.


Headache, muscle tension occurred when the head

Muscle tension head often occurs when increased physical or mental stress, the neuroses (disease arising from nervous shock), osteochondrosis, diseases of the eye. Another reason for this phenomenon may be prolonged compression of the head (eg, tight headdress). This creates a feeling of squeezing the hoop or a helmet on his head. Starting from any one area of ​​the head (forehead, neck, etc.), the pain spread to the entire scalp, forehead and even the upper part of the neck. This is due to the fact that our head as a cap covers the tendon that attaches to the muscles. It is through the nerve endings located in the tendon pain, and extends over the entire head.

If such a headache was caused by mental stress, it helps sedatives, osteochondrosis - treatment of the underlying disease, cervical wear a special collar, procaine blockade and painkillers.


Headache, which may occur during stimulation of nerve endings in the blood vessels

This is the most dangerous headache, as it occurs in the stretch of the walls of blood vessels. This may be caused by raising or lowering blood pressure (BP), and the stagnation of the blood due to insufficient tone of the vein walls.

An increase in blood pressure appears severe throbbing headache, which requires emergency care, or a blood vessel in the brain can burst and blood out of it gets into the brain tissue, causing numerous violations (hemorrhagic stroke). In a sudden spasm of blood vessels of the brain can disrupt blood flow to a certain area of ​​the brain that lead to the death of brain tissue of this area (ischemic stroke).

The sharp expansion of arteries in the brain causes a migraine attack Migraine  Migraine
 , Headache at the same time often occurs on one side of the head and is paroxysmal pulsating character, localized mostly in the fronto-temporal-orbital area.

Headache may occur in violation of the outflow of venous blood, the veins expand and overflow with blood. This headache is usually aching, arching, it is amplified in the supine position.

When the headaches associated c prescribed high blood pressure medications that reduce blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. When migraine, on the contrary, will help drugs that narrows blood vessels, venous headache - drugs that strengthen the tone of the vein walls.


Other types of headache

An increase in intracranial pressure (eg, against the tumor, abscess, brain injury) may be the tension of the meninges, which will lead to the emergence of a very strong bursting headache. In such cases, drugs may relieve the condition, reduce brain edema.

Reduction of intracranial pressure may occur after lumbar puncture headache with the enhanced standing.

If it affects the sensitive nerve branches, ending in the head, there is a neuralgic headache, which is paroxysmal in nature (the attacks are continuing for long, but one after the other). At the same time on the scalp there are sites whose stimulation triggers such attacks. To remove this type of headache apply a variety of anesthetics, including procaine blockade.

In some cases, headache occurs on background of metabolic disorders Metabolic disease  Metabolic disease
   (often with prolonged use of different diets for weight loss), which leads to disruption of the pain receptors in the head. Help in this case, only a balanced diet and the correct mode of the day.

Often, to attack one kind of headaches joined the other (the most common variant - during an attack of pain arises vascular muscle tension head and joins the muscular headache).

In order to help the person with the headache, it is necessary to know why she was there, and this can only be done by the doctor.

Galina Romanenko

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