How to choose a perfume
 Perfumes news appear in the sale, without any exaggeration, weekly: firstly, perfume brands do not get tired to please their fans not only completely new perfume, and updated versions of the familiar spirits, and secondly, every other celebrity is trying to try their hand at the field of perfumery, and also produces fragrances under his own name. As a result, in any perfume shop can be faced with a choice that affects the imagination - are hundreds of different kinds of spirits, some variants of the concentration ... It is enough to lose the general orientation and as a result do not buy what we would like. For this reason, the choice of perfume should be given a little more time and attention than usual.

The magic of chemistry

Going in search of a new perfume in perfume shop, most women commit the same mistake - not knowing exactly what kind of perfume are needed (and even some perfumes can enjoy the most - fresh, floral, oriental), they are simply sniffing everything. Such an approach to the selection of spirits is actually the error is very rough: first, the human nose is "familiar" with dozens of different smells for some twenty minutes, very soon ceases to perceive all the nuances, all the subtle nuances of flavors, and it is in them , in fact, it is the main attraction of flavor. Secondly, very soon all the flavors of this rapid "dating" are similar to one another and lose its own character, its own special charm.

Ideally, choose perfume in perfume shop must be in the following way:

  • Homework: Take a few minutes to think before you go to the perfume shop and determine, at least approximately, what spirits you would like to buy, what flavors you most attracted to. Maybe you've always liked floral scents and other scents seem to be too "heavy" or harsh, while in the perfume store, you must use a consultant to select only the scents of the flower category. And perhaps in anticipation of a hot summer, you want to buy something more fresh and light, then more likely you will approach a fresh fragrance with notes of citrus, or "sea" chords, but on the perfume, for example, from the category Oriental is not worth pay attention.
  • Thorough checking: once in a perfume shop, do not try to save time and to "check the suitability of" just eight to ten flavors. Approach to the choice of perfume slowly: Define for yourself the preferred fragrance category, you vote first proposed flavor, select what you like about him or, on the contrary, do not like - and based on that, selecting the next flavor.
  • Improvised means: each fragrance you are interested evaluate, spraying perfume on the testers, typically in any perfume shop prepared to narrow strips of construction paper. The "try" the first few spirits can not - leave your own skin for a closer "acquaintance" with the flavor that you like the most. If you feel that your nose is not distinguish all the nuances of flavor, exit the store and get some fresh air. In addition, in many perfume stores you can find racks with coffee beans or juniper balls that are "interrupted" any flavor and smell sensitivity of the return.
  • Do not be afraid to ask for help. This is a very important point in the choice of perfume - in every perfume shop features over a hundred different types of spirits, so without the help of a professional is very difficult to find the perfect scent. In the end, as guided only by name, you can determine to which category belongs flavor and whether it deserves it to your attention?


Any flavor is as if three "layers" - three types of notes: top notes, heart notes and base notes. It is the top note the human nose takes in the first place, but be aware that they quickly lose their sharpness and the appeal, therefore, "acquaintance" with the flavor should not be limited to the first ten minutes. Ideally, make a decision about whether you like the fragrance, you should take a few hours or the next day - just a few hours in their entirety reveal the base notes of flavor.

Tatiana Smirnova

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  • choice of perfume
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  • Perfumes and health - risk in a nice wrapper