how to prepare Ossetian pie
 The art of making Ossetian pies goes back to antiquity, but the popularity outside their home country, this bakery has won recently. Not surprisingly, many are wondering how to cook Ossetian pie, so it turned out fine, juicy, fragrant and delicious. Secrets of cooking that baking is not as complicated as they seem.

 How to cook a pie Ossetian - advice from experienced chefs

Thin crust

Properly prepared Ossetian pies should be thin - no more than two, preferably one and a half centimeters in height. To do this, use a properly prepared yeast or leaven the dough. For centuries the Ossetian pies baked from unleavened dough, but eventually began to use increasingly more gentle and soft yeast.

Usually Ossetian pies cooked and served to the table for three, stacked. An even number of pies cooked only to the wake.

At home Ossetian pies cooking them engaged exclusively in women. The dough is kneaded in silence and thoroughly kneaded, knocked on the board. This procedure allows you to make the dough elastic particularly, that it is not torn. Do not make the dough too steep - it should be soft and gentle. After a long intensive kneading and knocking out the test it is divided into parts, each part - the foundation for future pie.

Each family Ossetian your pie dough recipe - someone prepares it on yogurt Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 Who is using only water, salt, flour and yeast, someone adds an egg, and someone - vegetable oil. Preferably, all the ingredients were the same temperature (non-chilled) it facilitates kneading.

 How to cook a pie Ossetian - advice from experienced chefs

Juicy filling

 how to prepare Ossetian pie
 Fillings for Ossetian pies unusually diverse. Pies can bake with meat, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms, pumpkin, greens, beet tops. However, the most traditional filling is, of course, Ossetian cheese - moderately salty, chewy, tender. Cheese can be used alone or in combination with other products.

Buy Ossetian cheese can not everywhere, but if desired, it can be replaced by other low-melting cheeses. So, well suited mozzarella, which is commonly used for cooking pizza Cooking pizza  Cooking pizza
 . If you wish, you can mix different cheeses, achieving the desired taste. For example, you can combine Adygei cheese and suluguni or cheese and mozzarella Mozzarella: an authentic Italian taste  Mozzarella: an authentic Italian taste

 How to cook a pie Ossetian - advice from experienced chefs

Pie with greens

 how to prepare Ossetian pie
 For the dough should be mixed channuyu spoon dry yeast, a teaspoon of sugar and a glass of water. When the mass of foam, add a teaspoon of salt, a cup of yogurt, three tablespoons of vegetable oil and three to four cups of flour. Knead the soft dough, divide it into three parts, each roll into a ball.

For the filling must take nine grams of cabbage, a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and six hundred grams of Ossetian cheese. Finely chop the cabbage and stew in oil, pouring water if necessary, until tender. Add salt, pepper, fresh herbs to taste and chopped Ossetian cheese. Divide the stuffing into three parts, each part of the roll of the ball.

Roll out the dough thick cake, put the ball in the middle of the filling, gather the edges and gently stretch the dough into a thin cake cake hands. Place the cake on a dry frying pan to make a small hole on top and quickly bake a cake in the bottom first, then the top of the hundred-degree preheated oven. Ready cake thoroughly greased on all sides with melted butter.

Maria Bykov

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