how to determine the calorie pea soup
 For those who solve the problem of excess weight, it is important to know the calorie content of the diet. Whatever the product was not useful if it contains a lot of calories and influences accumulation of body weight, the amount of the diet is best cut. A special account for the complexity of the dishes prepared with different products. For example, to calculate the normal calorie pea soup need to do a number of calculations, and take into account the many nuances.

Caloric content of products to determine the chemical composition of these products. The largest amount of calories contained in fats - 9 kcal per 1 gram. Caloric protein and carbohydrate is approximately 4 kcal per 1 gram. Knowing the chemical composition of the product, and it necessarily indicated on food packaging, can accurately calculate their calorie content.

The more water in the product, the lower the caloric content. For this reason, in the category of the most low-calorie fall juicy fruits and vegetables.


What is in pea-soup

The basis of pea soup peas, carrots and onions. In addition to these basic ingredients into the soup at will add meat, sausage, mushrooms, cheese, herbs and other products. Calorie finished soup will depend on the energy value of the products included in its composition.

To calculate the calorie servings pea soup you need:

  • accurately weigh all the ingredients;
  • take into account the percentage of waste;
  • take into account the effect of heat treatment on the final calorie.

On average, the soup will lose during the preparation of 2-5%.


The average calorie content of the most common ingredients of pea soup

 how to determine the calorie pea soup
 High calorie (450-900 kcal per 100 g):

  • sunflower oil
  • speck
  • fatty pork
  • bacon
  • summer sausage.

Products with a high calorie (200-449 Kcal per 100 g):

  • dry peas (300-320 kcal per 100 g)
  • beef
  • pork
  • boiled-smoked, smoked and cooked sausages
  • sausages, sausages
  • hard cheese
  • processed cheese

Products with moderate calorie (100-199 Kcal per 100 g):

  • a hen
  • turkey
  • lean beef

Products with a low calorie (30-99 kcal per 100 g):

  • green pea
  • potatoes
  • carrot

Low-calorie foods (less than 30 kcal per 100 g):

  • bow
  • mushrooms
  • tomatoes
  • zucchini
  • greenery

As seen from the above list, itself soup which includes peas, carrot and onion has a very low calorie, which is less than 50 kcal per 100 mL of soup. Calories pea soup added supplements: meats, sausages and meat.


How to reduce the calorie content without sacrificing taste

 how to determine the calorie pea soup
 Minimize the energy value food can be, if not the roasted vegetables in butter, and add them to the soup in a raw form, replace dried peas green fresh, frozen or canned peas, use the meat, but not sausages, in which a lot of hidden fats.

To prepare the soup diet is sufficient to consider a small piece of smoked meat, which adds flavor, but does not increase calorie dishes.

To improve the taste of the soup to help the spices. In addition to traditional bay leaf and black pepper in a pea-soup Pea soup: medical and tasty  Pea soup: medical and tasty
   You can add dried dill, caraway, marjoram. These herbs not only improve the taste and perfectly combined with peas, but also reduce flatulence characteristic during digestion of food legumes.

The soup can be put more carrots, onions, green or frozen vegetables: cauliflower Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table  Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table
 , Squash, zucchini.

Pea soup is so good that allows improvisation while remaining in the same delicious, like a hearty classic version with smoked ribs.

Inna Zavadskaja


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