how to remove belly fat
 Visceral abdominal fat on the belly - different names do not change the essence of the problem. Protruding belly with unaesthetic rollers disfiguring silhouette, perhaps the biggest trouble for the figure, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. The question of how to remove the stomach, remains vital for the large number of women vying for harmony. The most difficult thing in this case - to get rid of bad habits, change eating behavior and establish psycho-emotional background, not just to perform abdominal exercises.


The stomach as a result of stress

Most people think and reasonably aware of the causes of obesity, which is deposited on the body, treacherously violating its proportions. If you consume more calories than spend, this inevitably leads to a rounded cheeks and lush buttocks and protruding abdomen that may eventually grow and dissolve the likeness of a life buoy on a ladies' silhouette. However, for particularly abdominal fat is not so clear, and it's one of the reasons that prevents stomach removed How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at myself in the mirror  How to remove the stomach, if you do not want to look at myself in the mirror
   Once and for all.

It is impossible not to notice that a big belly can be like a very fat people and those who are not very overweight.

This is because fat deposition in the abdominal area - a direct result of the activity of the hormone cortisol, a stress hormone called.

Just create a favorable situation for its increase, and the body begins to gird grease, expanding waist and hips. Normally, the hormone cortisol is produced by the adrenal cortex, it regulates glucose metabolism in the body, is responsible for maintaining optimal blood sugar.

As one of the defenders of the body, cortisol is released into the blood when a stressful situation, but if there are too many, and they often occur in the body there is an excess of cortisol. This leads to the deposition of fat in the abdominal area - the very visceral fat, which not only violates the line of feminine silhouette "hourglass", but also envelops the internal organs, increasing the risk of many diseases associated with obesity. You must get rid of him, not only for the sake of harmony, but also for the preservation or restoration of health.


Abdominal exercises - big mistake

To remove belly fat, you need to regularly perform abdominal exercises - misleading and one of the biggest mistakes of those who want to say goodbye to abdominal fat. Strength training will not help to eliminate the layer of fat on the abdomen, but only strengthen the muscles. The myth of the need to exercise the press long ago dispelled those who pumped muscle corset covered with fat, which is still here.

Education waist fat is due to a whole range of reasons, including chronic stress, poor nutrition, metabolic disorders Metabolic disease  Metabolic disease
 , Sedentary and generally unhealthy lifestyle. To solve the problem must also be complex, placing each segment of their time and enough attention. Otherwise, get rid of belly become a long-term battle, poor results and again stressoobrazuyuschuyu.


Just calm: reduces stress

Stress - one of the main motivating factors delaying belly fat, so to get rid of it, you must make every effort to reduce the stress and normalization of the general emotional state. If you can not stop yourself nervous about nothing, pick-anxiety drugs without the side effects, review diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
   (less coffee, more than herbal tea, vitamin B), enjoy a yoga meditation.

Get a own "antidote" to stressful situations, try to fill our lives with joyful moment (nice music, positive film, meeting with friends), which negate the negative aspects and do not allow your body to respond to powerful protection in the form of fat belt.


Get enough sleep - a prerequisite

Hectic lifestyle with regular lack of sleep becomes a way of life for residents of large cities. If we add here the stress and meals on the go, the appearance of belly fat will be the inevitable price to pay for operating success and career growth. It is proved that a permanent sleep less than five hours a day provokes the deposition of abdominal fat. It, in turn, also in this case is the result of excess cortisol - a hormone that protects us from stress. Insufficient sleep on a regular basis puts the body into a state of stress, with whom he has to fight.

Examine your day and try to secure a minimum of six (ideally - eight) hours of sleep per night. Discard the night vigils at the TV and computer, before going to bed, it is desirable to get some fresh air.


Cardio - the basis of harmonious waistline

Contrary to popular myth is still the need to exercise power in the press, cardio is focused by a gradual, slow but steady and effective fat burning waist. If you want to remove belly fat as soon as possible (if the weight is small and there are no serious contraindications to physical activity), increase the load on the cardiovascular system with a gym, aerobics, dancing, cycling. If this is not possible, turn the activity into their daily routine activities. More you walk, climb the stairs instead of the elevator, in the summer get the opportunity to swim.

The best time for doing cardio - from 17 to 19 hours. Important note: do not expect the belly fat will melt away like magic after a few days of training.

The body can not get rid of fat locally, you will lose weight evenly, gradually getting rid of the hated abdomen.

After cardio can make a few twists that strengthen the press, which laid bare after abdominal fat successfully "melted." Hot showers with intensive massage problematic areas after a workout will not be superfluous.


Vegetables, fruits, giving up sugar

Recipe health and a flat stomach - a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet and the reduction and better and complete rejection of refined sugar. Sugar, simple carbohydrates, which means that all of your favorite fragrant bakery with regular consumption are sent straight to the waist region. They have become rare indulgence and treats you can make regular fruits containing sugar. They need to use up to sixteen hours in the evening preferring fresh or steamed vegetables. Discard the excess pulses that cause bloating and flatulence, the rich on sugar and starch potatoes, grapes and bananas.

Flat stomach can be difficult to achieve because of the bowel, hammered waste of life due to improper diet. Fresh vegetables correct this error and allow to establish a regular chair with a complete cleansing of the body.

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