• Kanefron - Instructions for use: to be healthy kidney
  • Effectiveness

 kanefron guide
 Since 1934, it has more than 80 years in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys using German-made medicine kanefron; manual preparation requires careful study. kanefron although considered safe drug, you should take it correctly to achieve maximum effect.


Features of the drug

Kanefron - herbal remedies, which is composed of vegetable ingredients. This drug was safe, it is widely used not only for the treatment of adults and in pediatrics. Kanefron eliminates spasms of the urinary tract, reduces inflammation, it is endowed with diuretic effect. Available drug in the form of round pellets orange What color blends orange: bold and calm combination  What color blends orange: bold and calm combination
   or alcoholic solution.

Each pellet of the drug along with the adjuvants contained 18 milligrams of herbs: lovage root medicinal herbs centaury and rosemary leaves. The stack may contain 120 or 60 pills, twenty in each blister.

Alcohol solution - clear, brown and yellow. One hundred milliliters of a solution containing the extracts of the same grass as dragees. The solution is sold in glass bottles of 50 or 100 ml with dosing dropper. At the bottom of the bottle may be a slight sediment.

Contained in the herbal extracts complex effects on the body. Thanks rosmarinic acid has anti-inflammatory effect of the drug. Essential oils have a diuretic effect. Under the influence kanefron actively removes sodium and potassium salts, and the drug is frequently used as a prophylactic agent in urolithiasis. Rosemary oil and flavonoids have antispasmodic action, improves urine flow, relieve pain caused by cramps. Due to its antibacterial properties kanefron suppress vital functions of harmful bacteria, stopping their growth and stimulates their elimination from the body in urine.


Terms of use

Pills, not liquid, washed down with plenty of water (use a sufficient amount of fluid you need during the entire course of treatment kanefron). The course and the dose must be determined by a physician, taking into account age, tolerance, the nature of the disease; as the doctor prescribes concomitant therapy.

Typically, the recommended adult kanefron drink dragees two or three times a day, and to children six years after one pellet three times a day. Kids up to six years is better to give kanefron drops - from ten to fifteen drops three times a day, spreading drug juice or tea. Dosage solution kanefron for adults - 50 drops three times a day for children over six years of age - 25 drops three times a day.

Data on drug overdose at present available, but do not exceed the dose which is recommended by doctors. Also, until now there were no reports of drug toxicity and its interaction with other drugs. We only know that kanefron able to enhance the action taken simultaneously with antibiotics.

This drug is safe, and appoint him for the first month of life in the treatment of urinary system. Before the first year of life are used on ten drops three times per day. From year to six - fifteen drops, and then administered to children six or twenty five drops, one or dragee three times per day. In any case, it is necessary to consult a doctor before starting to treat the child.

When used kanefron:

  • In acute and chronic forms of infectious diseases of the bladder and the kidney (including cystitis and pyelonephritis);
  • For the prevention of kidney stones Stones in the kidneys  Stones in the kidneys
  • When non-communicable chronic kidney disease (including glomerulonephritis and interstitial nephritis);
  • The composition of antibacterial therapy.


Application for cystitis

The course of treatment in cystitis depends on symptoms and may last up to two months. Adults are drug to fifty drops three times a day or two pills.

Recommend kanefron drink in acute and chronic infectious cystitis; pregnant women; in secondary cystitis (bladder stones); involutional and post-traumatic cystitis, including during menopause.



During pregnancy kanefron recommend to improve the overall condition of the woman. The drug reduces pain, helps reduce puffiness.

Assign kanefron pregnant also because it is a herbal preparation and there is no chemical components. But it must be applied only on prescription, since rosemary and lovage, a part of kanefron may increase uterine tone The tone of the uterus - the most important indicator for pregnant women  The tone of the uterus - the most important indicator for pregnant women



People with alcohol dependence, you can not drink kanefron drops due to the presence of alcohol in the product. For the same reason the drug is better to give to those who suffer from chronic liver disease. Children under five years are not recommended in kanefron pills.

Side effects from taking kanefron not found, unless there is an allergy to the components of the drug substance. If you are allergic, you receive kanefron stop and seek medical advice. Perhaps, in such a situation it is better to use the analogy of the drug.

By analogues include kanefron tsiston, Phytolysinum and furagin. Tsiston - completely herbal preparation, which is suitable for children from two years old and adults. Phytolysinum as kanefron, contains in its composition of lovage root. The drug is contraindicated in glomerulonephritis and phosphate litiaze. Furagin - a synthetic drug that has a number of contraindications, for example, can be used in late pregnancy, lactation.

Read more Effectiveness

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