• "Magnificent Century": historical mistakes
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 Magnificent Century historical mistakes
 "Magnificent Century" is not famous because of its outstanding artistic value, but because of the peculiar interpretation of the historical events that led to massive street demonstrations in Turkey and public condemnation of the series at the state level. Surprisingly, this did not prevent the creators of the controversial melodrama continue shooting and win no less fans than enemies.

 "Magnificent Century": historical mistakes

The image of the country

First he was accused of the authors of the series "Magnificent Century" - a distortion of the image of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Suleiman the Magnificent known as a conqueror and an outstanding commander, during whose reign the Ottoman Empire reached its peak. He was a patron of artists and poets, he wrote poems and was fond of jewelry business, architecture, created during his life, considered a model Ottoman style.

In the series Suleiman the Magnificent served ruthless tyrant who suffer suspicion verging on paranoia, and irascibility. Paying attention only to this part of the personality, the authors have created an image of the series is not the ruler, under whose skilful leadership flourished and developed a huge empire and the cruel and capricious war sadistic.

 Magnificent Century historical mistakes

Sultan, in addition to ill temper, leading an unhealthy lifestyle and a bad example, that is, consume alcohol in quantities that would not approve even modern doctors. Muslim Turkey, where alcohol is prohibited at all, such behavior of the character on the screen is actually equivalent to discredit the national idea and a violation of religious canons. In addition to the use of alcohol on the screen, the series is distinguished for the Turkish air unprecedented number of erotic scenes that the third season are becoming more outspoken and provocative.

It is no coincidence output "Magnificent Century" was accompanied by a scandal and mass protests. The channel address «Star TV», broadcasts a series, was directed almost a hundred thousand letters with threats and demands to close the project. However, even a rally organized under the windows of the channel, and public condemnation from the prime minister does not have the desired effect: the series was extended for the next season.

 Magnificent Century historical mistakes

 "Magnificent Century": historical mistakes

Household inaccuracies

Another drawback of the series reveals the shortcomings of the team engaged in the selection of locations for filming and re-creation of the historical situation. Observant viewers may have noticed that in some scenes in the background flashed modern buildings. Creators do not bother to put the equipment so that municipal buildings do not fall into the camera view, they are not removed, and the subsequent processing of the material. Ancient mosques, palaces and streets of Istanbul create a wonderful atmosphere, which, alas, is broken at the moment, when the background flashed something not age appropriate or hear the roar of the aircraft flying nearby.

In "The Magnificent Century" many other household inaccuracies that cause outrage on the part of historians who have looked series. In the XVI century at the court of the Turkish sultan did not use napkins to wipe his hands was taken on the edge of the tablecloth. For modern viewers this behavior may seem savage, as a rule, for the fact that the Sultan takes food alone Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
   and no one should bother him during the meal.

 Magnificent Century historical mistakes

Do not meet the historical era and furnishings and Costumes. Statement of battle scenes, like a game with swords and plausibility is no different: the actors have no idea how to cope with the cold steel, and therefore only show the fight.

 "Magnificent Century": historical mistakes


Despite the historical inaccuracies and scandals that surround the "Magnificent Century", the authors of the series achieved the main thing: to create an attractive design for spectators, both inside the country and outside its borders. Increased attention to the TV series, and mass demonstrations led only to the fact that the "Magnificent Century" was even on the pages of "New York Times" and "The Guardian."

Producer Turkish "soap opera" Timur Saji does not get tired of repeating that the show is nothing more than fiction, but because historical accuracy has never been a goal set by the crew. The most important for the creators of the series is to create memorable characters of interest, which would be worried about the same issues that modern men and women.

Anna Chizh

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