 Migraine - is an acute attack of sudden onset of headache, which often covers only one half of the face. Anyone who has ever suffered a bout of pain, do not ever forget it. But there are people for whom migraine is a frequent visitor. How to fight it?


Migraine attacks

Migraine - a recurring headache pulsating character. When migraine head aches usually on one side, during the next attack side can change (but not necessarily).

First migraine attacks usually occur in the age in childhood or adolescence. In early childhood such people often had cramping abdominal pain, and vomiting (migraine equivalents). Migraine attacks often occur in women with premenstrual syndrome.


How is migraine

It starts with the appearance of a migraine attack harbingers (aura) in the form of mesh in front of the eyes or other short-term impairment. This is due to a sharp sudden momentary spasm of cerebral vessels.

After a brief spasm of blood vessels expand rapidly, which leads to stagnation of blood and the patient falls sharp and very sudden severe headache. It can be in one half of the head, and in the entire head.

Against the backdrop of a severe headache often nausea and vomiting, which does not bring relief.

A migraine attack can be caused by various provoking factors: stress, changes in atmospheric pressure, odors, bright lights, loud noises, certain foods (such as cheese, smoked meat) and so on.


Types of migraine

There are the following types of migraine: classic, simple, associated, facial, migraine and complicated migraine status. At one and the same person throughout life can manifest different types of migraine.

Classic migraine is also known as ophthalmic, since it is always accompanied by an aura of the visually impaired. The peculiarity of this migraine is that visual impairment during the aura with her there on the one hand, and a headache on the other. Increasing intensity headache usually lasts for a little more than two hours, after which it was reduced intensity and pain gradually disappears. A migraine attack is often accompanied by vomiting, irritability, intolerance to bright lights and loud noises.

With a simple migraine aura is missing or appears as a change of mood. A migraine attack longer, can even begin during sleep.

First, there is a throbbing headache on one side of frontotemporal-orbital area, then its intensity increases for three hours and gradually extends the entire half of the head. Increases sensitivity to bright lights, loud noises, and even to the touch. Headache increases with movements of the head and its low position. An attack can last from 8 hours to two days.

Associated migraine accompanied by aura, during which time there are neurological disorders. These violations are at the onset of the headache Headache  Headache
 And in some cases even longer. Severe attacks of migraine accompanied by such convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Front migraine (migraine lower half of the face) is accompanied by pain in the nose, cheeks, ears. Sometimes patients think that teeth hurt on one side. Then the pain may spread to the temple, orbit and accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Attack lasts up to three days.

Migraine status - it's hard for migraines with repetition of consecutive attacks in a few days. Nausea and vomiting which accompany such a condition may lead to dehydration. Sometimes when it is broken out.

Complicated migraine - a migraine, in which after the attack are neurological disorders and keep from several weeks to several months, and sometimes does not pass.


How can we remove the migraine

Easy migraine attack can be removed by adopting a fixed condition and eliminating any impact on the senses (light, sound, touch, and so on). You can also take a pill for a headache - analgin, ketorol, Nise. If this does not take medicines that cause a spasm of the blood vessels of the brain - ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, sumatriptan and other. Typically, after this condition improves.

If a patient has migraine status, it is hospitalized. The hospital complex treatment with the administration of drugs, relieves headaches, vomiting, dehydration and development of various neurological disorders.

Prophylaxis of migraine - a healthy lifestyle, with a change of work and rest, good nutrition and the elimination of stress.

Galina Romanenko

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