natural dyes in natural soap
 There are many ways to make natural soap beautiful color without using synthetic chemicals. Although natural dyes do not always give the same bright colors, as artificial chemicals, the result is sure to be pleasing to the eye.

 Natural dyes in natural soap: colored flavors

Many of these ingredients have in your kitchen, while others can be easily found in stores. Thus, below lists substances which may be used as natural dyes, and color, they give soap.

  • Lucerne - moderate green;
  • Annatto seeds - yellow-orange;
  • Beetroot - from pinkish beige to muted pinkish brown;
  • Bentonite clay - from white to light green;
  • Ground marigold petals - yellow;
  • Grated carrots - from yellow to orange;
  • Carrot juice - light pinkish brown;
  • Grated chamomile flowers - yellow-beige;
  • Chamomile essential oil - pastel green;
  • Chlorophyll - a mild green;
  • Cinnamon - from beige to brown (may cause skin irritation);
  • Ground cloves - Brown;
  • Cochineal - from light to dark red depending on the number;
  • Cocoa powder - Brown;
  • Coffee - from brown to black;
  • Comfrey root - light brown;
  • Cucumber - bright green;
  • Curry powder - yellow;
  • Elderberries (must be pre-infuse liquor) - light brown;
  • Ground Green Tea Green tea  Green tea
   - Brownish-green;
  • Powdered henna - from olive to grayish-green and brown;
  • The root of the indigo - dark blue;
  • Kaolin - white and off-white;
  • Algae - Green;
  • The root of the madder - pink, red and purple;
  • Milk (cow or goat) - from beige to brown, depending on the fat content;
  • Moroccan red clay - red brick;
  • Ground olive leaves - warm ocher, brown;
  • Orange juice - pastel orange, beige;
  • Paprika - light orange, peach, orange-brown (this can cause irritation);
  • Poppy seeds - gives a mottled coloring;
  • The ground pumice - gray;
  • Grated pumpkin Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy  Pumpkin for health: a royal vegetable in home pharmacy
   - A beautiful deep orange color What color blends orange: bold and calm combination  What color blends orange: bold and calm combination
  • Pink Clay - the color of red bricks;
  • Ground seeds of rose hips - various shades of brown;
  • Safflower petals - yellow to dark orange;
  • Saffron - yellow;
  • Sage - green;
  • Ground sandalwood - a deep purple-brown color with speckles;
  • Mint - a greenish-brown;
  • Spinach - light green;
  • Spirulina - from pastel-green to blue-green;
  • Titanium dioxide - a bright white;
  • Lichen - different shades of pink and beige, depending on the species of lichen;
  • Turmeric - from golden brown to amber;
  • Wheatgrass juice - dark green;
  • Powder woad - blue-green.

 Natural dyes in natural soap: colored flavors

Using dyes

If you are going to use any natural dye for the first time, we recommend that you test it. It will take some time, but you will be spared from unpleasant surprises - natural dyes sometimes give a very unusual effect.

  • First of all, you need to check how natural dye interacts with liquor. To do this, add one tablespoon of liquor in a half cup of water and stir until the lye is completely dissolved. Let the mixture cool and then slowly add to it about a quarter teaspoon of dye. Write down how much dye you use, and what color mixture acquired just after you've added it to the alkaline solution. After a couple of hours, check again the solution and make a record of the changes that occurred. Allow the solution to stand for another 24 hours, and then note any changes.
  • On color and soap can affect the way the dye interacts with natural oils. Heat about 115 g of oil (if you do not want the oil affect the color of the final results, use coconut oil). Add a quarter teaspoon of oil dye, mix, record, how to change the color. Next, check the mixture is 3-4 hours and the next day, and then make the recording.
  • Once you have tested the natural dye in the liquor and butter, you can begin to test a small amount of soap. Depending on what colorant interact better - with lye or oil, decide when you add it to the mixture. Some dyes give the best effect when they are mixed with an alkaline solution, the other is preferably added to the oil, and then - mixed with the remaining ingredients.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give an exact recommendation as to how much natural dye must be added to the soap. Other substances give very different results, and in addition, much depends on the personal preferences of the person who cooks the soap. For the test, use about one tablespoon of dye for 450 g of oil. If you add the dye liquor pre-mix liquor with water, then add the dye and allow to stand for a few minutes or hours - depending on your test results. Then proceed to the manufacture of soaps colored liquor.

If you decide to add the dye to the oil, you can mix it with oil before you pour oil in the soap mixture. It is also possible to add a colorant to the end of the process - the result will generally be the same. As before, take notes on how to change the color of your soap. Maybe you have a wonderful memory, but a few weeks or months later, when you want to repeat the results, you will be very grateful to yourself for these records.

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