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 Pea soup
 Pea soup - a nutritious, tasty dish, especially popular in the winter. It is spread among many ethnic groups, many centuries it is eaten all over the world. He is known for his good taste, ease of preparation and availability. For families with small incomes pea soup - perfect, inexpensive winter dish, rich in protein and tasty.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty


Fashion for soups spread around the world recently. A few years ago she came to Russia, where he quickly adapted the French and other European cuisine under its own national characteristics. But many forget that for many years we eat pea soup, which can be considered the ancestor of all other vegetable soups with a soft consistency.

Pea soup known to mankind for many millennia. Its availability, ease of preparation, low calorie satiety and make this soup is versatile for multiple categories of people: Gourmet, for losing weight, for those who are too lazy to bother with multiple ingredients for a pair of first course dishes and for many others.  pea soup

Historical sources confirm that the hot pea soup warmed the ancient Romans and Greeks, who then took the example of other nations into service who prepared this dish according to the traditions of their national cuisine. Therefore, a profound mistake to consider Russian dish pea soup, as many believe. This international culinary heritage, which is warm and, and were filled. Homeland culture that gave birth to all modern varieties of peas is considered the Mediterranean region. According to other sources, and this culture was grown in Asia, particularly in India.

Pea soup to eat people for thousands of years, there is mention of the fact that it was prepared and sold on the streets as early as ancient Greece and Rome about 500-400 BC Many cultures treated to this dish when it was difficult to find sources of animal protein, especially in winter.

In the history of Russia had his pea soup, very important. Russian people for centuries observe orthodox positions, particularly it was common in the countryside, among the peasants, who ate with their gardens. In the days of fasting peas became a real salvation from it prepared meatless soups, thick porridge, it was kneaded pancakes, baked cakes with him, and even cooked noodles. Peas and was then and still is very affordable products, so even today becomes beautiful pea soup cooking solution for families on a budget.

Since peas is widespread throughout Europe, variations of pea soup presented in regional cuisines of Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and the UK. Pea soup is often associated with the lower classes of society, as the peas are easy to grow, and the meat was often too expensive.

European colonization of North America brought the pea soup in Canada and the US, where this dish is very popular.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty

Dietary Culture

Pea soup, unlike many other soups puree, combines two very important features that are so necessary to modern woman sitting on a diet. It combines a low calorie and high nutritional value, which makes it ideal for a hearty and healthy weight loss process.

100 g of peas contains about 66 calories, 4.5 grams of protein, 9 grams of carbohydrates and only 2.4 grams of fat. Like other legumes, peas is a source of vegetable protein and carbohydrates that are rarely matched in one product. Note that these parameters are correct for pea soup which may be added to butter, cream and other ingredients that improve its nutritional and caloric value.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty


 pea soup
 There are many ways to cook pea soup. The standard recipe includes dried peas, vegetables, such as onions, carrots and celery Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages  Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages
 Herbs, including garlic, thyme, bay leaf, parsley and oregano, as well as ham, bacon or sausage, salt and pepper.

Add dried peas, which is already washed and moved to make sure that there is no stone. They sometimes fall into the dried peas and beans. Now add the peas in the vegetable filling. Make sure to use all the peas. If you dropped a pea, it is not necessary to pick them up, it's unhygienic. Now all this mix, do not stick to the peas.

Peas must cook over low heat along with vegetables, herbs and meat until it is tender, an hour or two, if not pre-soaked peas and 40-60 minutes if soaked peas. After this soup if desired pyurirovat and salt and pepper.

Pea soup should be served very hot, so it does not form lumps. Traditionally it is served with ham or sausage and warm bread.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty

Pea soup - cooking secrets

To get a delicious, nutritious and healthy pea soup, peas need to soak the night before cooking. It absorbs water and softens, without losing the valuable nutrients, and become soft when cooked, the soup will get a soft creamy texture. Some are not soaked peas, preferring to cook it a little longer, but in this case it loses vitamins Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   and trace elements, which is highly undesirable for this healthy dish.

Velvety pea soup goes well with smoked meat fat, so it is often served with bacon or meat balls, meatballs sharp Meatballs: the secrets of delicate taste  Meatballs: the secrets of delicate taste
 . But this tradition, but there are other ways of cooking pea soup, which you can borrow from different national cuisines. So in Asia cook it with coconut milk in the Nordic countries - with chunks of pork, you can serve it with croutons, parsley, grated cheese, leeks and other seasonings.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty


 pea soup
 To get a tasty soup, cooks recommend soaking the peas. It is necessary to put dried peas in a large saucepan, cover with water and leave for a few hours or overnight. Thus reducing the time soup and peas become soft.

Some people like pea soup in its original form, while others prefer to make a soup. To do this it must pyurirovat using a hand blender.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty


Many people like pea soup for his availability and health benefits. Dried peas are very cheap. Vegetables, spices and meat, too easy to buy and they are not very expensive, so this is the perfect solution if you want to make a hearty meal and save.

Pea soup - low-fat, protein-rich foods, which also contains a lot of fiber and folic acid, so it is still very useful.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty


During cooking, the peas absorb large amounts of water. To avoid sticking or solidification, it is important to check the level of water in the process. If the water is low, add more to the soup remained tender and delicious.

 Pea soup: medical and tasty

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