Perfumes Health
 Dear and exquisitely scented perfume can conceal hidden threat - and this is not speculation, but the scientific findings of fact made public as a result of numerous laboratory studies. Some of the ingredients that form the basis of popular perfumes (and, first of all, the ingredients are synthetic, not natural, origin) are potential allergens is not safe for health.

Scientific studies of the chemical compounds that provide your favorite spirits refined and recognizable fragrance, showed that almost any perfume poses a potential threat to public health: the constant use of perfumes may cause allergic reactions, respiratory irritation, fraught with some very unpleasant symptoms, and finally hormonal disruptions in the body.

Allergies to perfumes: how dangerous it is?

Allergies to perfumes is most often seen in a standard way - in the form of skin rashes Skin rash: mayday  Skin rash: mayday
 . And potential pathogens such reactions to fragrance can be like perfume that you use personally, and contact with the skin of another person, which were spirits. If the perfume is present a potential allergen, and your skin is particularly sensitive, the result can be a rash Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements
   arms, wrists and hands, face, and the emergence of some accompanying symptoms - redness and itching of the skin, swelling of individual sections of the face. In most cases, an allergic reaction and its symptoms disappear on their own after a few days without the need to seek medical help. The most dangerous potential allergens in the composition of modern perfumery products include primarily synthetic molecule with a strong smell - including aldehydes (the same chemical compound with a floral scent, which are used in the production, in particular iconic perfume Chanel №5), cinnamic alcohol (it alcohol, often used in perfumery, characteristic balsamic sweet-floral scent with a note of hyacinth) and finally hydroxycitronellal - another connection with persistent floral odor.

How to avoid potential allergic reactions to perfume? The answer is obvious - do not use perfume, which are used in the production of potential allergens. However, the reality is not so simple: many manufacturers 'saving' a place on the label is simply not indicate a part of all substances that are included in the perfume formula. Therefore, most likely, to check a potential "danger" have their own spirits and empirically.

Respiratory irritation

One of the most, perhaps, serious threats to continued use of perfumes to health - the risk of bronchial spasms, especially likely for people suffering from asthma. At least, this opinion is shared by health professionals - representatives of the American Association of Lung Diseases and the Association for the fight against allergies and asthma. Moreover - the constant use of perfumes for men diagnosed with "asthma" is fraught with serious complications and even health - namely, exacerbation of chronic asthma and development of chronic disorders of the upper respiratory tract. Ideally for asthma from the constant use of perfume is better to refuse at all, not to risk their health - or at least, limit the use of perfume to a minimum.

Hormonal changes

Both synthetic and natural components of the perfume formulas may not only cause an allergic reaction on the skin, but also, worse still, influence on the hormonal balance of the body. Scientific studies have shown that, at least several tens of perfume ingredients affect the levels of hormones in the human body, some of them have an action similar to the action of the female hormone estrogen, the other - the action similar to the action of thyroid hormones. According to research by American scientists are particularly dangerous lavender oil and tea tree oil, "repeating" the effect of the hormone estrogen, and in addition reduces the effects of androgens (male hormones). Prolonged exposure to these substances in the body can potentially provoke breast enlargement teenage boys.

Tatiana Smirnova

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