 Piercing, depending on where it is located, it causes different emotions of others - with admiration the courage to neglect and even disgust. Piercing various parts of the body does not shock or cause the righteous anger mismatch decorations status, as it was centuries ago. Now questions are asked otherwise, most of all - "And it hurt? "Or" Why do you need it? ". But if the piercing is done, then it is necessary first of all to demonstrate its non-conformism, inner freedom, or simply to emphasize sexuality and complement the image.


Piercing in antiquity

 Pierce different parts of the face and body of people began in ancient times, and then it was of a symbolic and not shocking-demonstrative character. In the Neolithic members of the Ethiopian Mursi tribe pierced lips and earlobes, inserting them ornaments made of stone. But primitive social groups piercing is not limited. In ancient Egyptian death masks of noble birth could see how they were stretched earlobes - massive earrings worn since childhood. Ear piercing with the insertion of jewelery made of precious metals was a sign of belonging to the upper class.

Did piercing and commoners, but from other motives. Led by the pagan conception of life, the ancient people believed that when inserted into the lips or lobe of the amulet, it will save from the influence of evil spirits that enter the body just across the mouth and ears. C establishment of the Christian religion in ancient Rome, the emperor Constantine forbade such experiments with her body. Pierce the ear or lip then meant the worship of other gods - dissent that could severely punished.


Devil labels and fashion accessories

In the Middle Ages in European civilization flourished the cult of the Catholic Church and the Christian religion. Luxury dresses and decoration facial makeup was vetoed, and a puncture body can easily burn at the stake. In Asia and Africa continued fascination with piercings. In India and Pakistan, women wore nose rings as a sign of belonging to a higher caste. Not refused to punctures and Central American tribes Aztec and Mayan, who used to piercing jewelry to communicate with their gods.

Since the Renaissance cult of beauty and freedom regained its comprehensive strength and piercing ceased to be a demonstration of other faiths or invention of the devil. The attitude to puncture the body, which is almost completely lost its former symbolic value. We came to the fore the beauty and aesthetics, which emphasizes a slim woman's earrings in her ears.


Piercing today

 Punctures on the body and even in the face of today largely accepted by modern society with tolerance and respect for the manifestation of personality. Earrings, "boom" in the navel or eyebrow shining "pinks" with a brilliant hat Women's Hat: how to make the right choice  Women's Hat: how to make the right choice
   nose became as familiar as the rings on his fingers and bracelets on a wrist or a necklace around her neck. The most interesting moment of piercing there is always a gentle alternative that does not involve puncture, but often you can wear like jewelry. But boys and girls are not afraid to pierce the lips, tongue and intimate areas, thus including himself to the rows of stylish nonkonfomistov who are not afraid to confront public opinion about befitting appearance.


Types of piercings

 Ear piercing is considered to be the most common, it does not cause any inconvenience, and often during the puncture there is no pain and blood. The same applies to the eyebrow piercing Piercing eyebrow as if the skew?  Piercing eyebrow as if the skew?
 . Maloboleznennym because of the poverty of the blood vessels and nerve endings, but there dolgozazhivayuschim navel piercing. This place can heal up to six months, during all that time should be regularly disinfected, keep dry and try not to injure mechanically, including choker.

Nipple piercing is considered to be the most painful. He heals a couple of months maximum, but even after full tightening the wounds need to scrutinize very carefully so that the puncture site is not damaged. Some time after the piercing can not wear tight-fitting bra, two weeks after the puncture is necessary to make regular antiseptic compress.

Piercing lips, tongue, cheeks and characterized in that the punctured mucosal - zone with moisture that are exposed to infection with subsequent inflammation. This type of piercing is the most dangerous, and if not ensure proper hygiene puncture area, they can begin serious health problems. If you have made a piercing in the first weeks of healing (up to two months) after each meal should be carefully rinse your mouth with water, then with an antiseptic solution. In a fresh puncture inserted decoration Medical steel, which can be changed to an ornamental after full tightening. If you notice during the healing tissue color change at the puncture site, exudation unnatural colors, severe pain, can not delay the visit to the doctor.


Contraindications to piercing

There are contraindications to the piercing, the presence of which is necessary to refrain from it for some time, or at all. Among them: a tendency to form keloids, bleeding disorder, chronic or acute infectious diseases (such as hepatitis), diabetes mellitus Diabetes  Diabetes
 , Psychiatric disorders (eg, epilepsy) or traumatic brain injury, systemic skin lesions (psoriasis, lupus), herpes. When pregnancy is to abstain from the piercing. If you have an allergy to any metal or chemicals, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of exacerbation after piercing: Use only safe alloys for jewelery and process puncture antisepikami hypoallergenic.

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