plastic surgery
 Despite the fact that these days are many non-surgical methods of appearance correction, the frequency of plastic surgery in the world has not diminished. Patients who turn to surgeons, younger, and many think that the plastic in the twenty-first century - a fully secure easy procedure, comparable to the "beauty shots". On the one hand, some truth in this, and modern plastic surgery can not be compared in terms of skill with the surgeons who carried out two decades ago. On the other hand, she has a lot of contraindications and side effects with which to be reckoned.


The path length of the Millennium

Youth of plastic surgery as a medical phenomenon is very relative. She has come a long historical path that began in ancient times, which made surgery face correction. Plastics in ancient Egypt, India and Asian civilizations was mostly reconstructive, aimed at correcting the defects or other appearance that hindered in their daily lives. The correction of the nose, cleft lip, prominent ears and other simple (by today's standards) intervention. But before the end of the nineteenth century, when there were no antiseptics and quality surgical instruments, plastic was a dangerous undertaking. With the development of chemical science and with the release of the medical profession (previously treated with cupping, and physicians were often rolled into one with the barbers) plastic surgery available in a separate branch of medicine.

The first half of the twentieth century was marred by wars in which people received serious injuries, and reconstructive surgery has evolved by leaps and bounds - the practice of doctors was enough. But soon the experts began calling the women who want to correct their appearance, for example, make the cheekbones more expressive, "blowing" chubby cheeks, nose transform, concentrating his chest tighten. Suffice it to recall the transformation of Marilyn Monroe in the early career - the most famous blonde in the world has become a living advertisement of high-quality plastic surgery. At present, medicine has advanced far ahead, and that aesthetic surgery has become predominant.


Types of plastic surgery

The most popular types of surgery is surgery to reduce the volume of the body (liposuction, literally - "liposuction"), anti-aging operations (circular face lift, eyelid surgery) and plastic surgery (augmentation, reduction, correction of the form).

  • Plastic surgery on the face region

Facelift - circular face lift Facelift: how to restore youth  Facelift: how to restore youth
 In which the skin is stretched, and wrinkles are smoothed. The incisions are made behind the line of hair growth Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development

Another common operation that is performed for rejuvenation and correction of deficiencies in any age - blepharoplasty. It involves the excision of fat in the upper and lower eyelids. Operation requires more skill of the surgeon, as can happen ectropion or asymmetry of the eye.

Frontlifting (tightening of the forehead and the eyebrows), rhinoplasty (nose correction), otoplasty Otoplasty  Otoplasty
   (correction of the ears), chiloplasty (correction of the lips), malyarplastika (correction of malar area) mentoplasty (correction of chin) is usually not associated with rejuvenation, they are often used by women and men who are dissatisfied with their natural data.

  • Plastic surgery on body

Implants - one of the most common female operations. It involves breast augmentation (implants or the introduction of joint replacement), decrease (Reduction of plastic), and pulling the breast (mastopexy), resorted to a woman in middle age or young women, the breast is significantly lowered after childbirth or due to hormonal changes.

Abdomenoplastika - surgery for the correction of the abdomen. In most cases, it presupposes liposuction followed by tightening the skin, depending on the input data, it can be both small and large, with excision of large volumes of tissue and skin.

Also as part of reducing the volume of the body is made a correction in the hand (brachioplasty) and legs (shins kruroplastika affected area, femurplastika - zone inner thighs). Correction buttocks (glyuteoplastika) may be a decrease or increase, in the last resort, women and men who find their flat buttocks. In this scenario, the implantation of the implant in the case of mammary endoprosthesis.

The increasing popularity is gaining intimate plastic, which is referenced to both sexes. Often it is associated with birth defects (such as fusion of the labia in girls) or with the natural data, which a person finds unaesthetic. With the help of plastic surgery, you can adjust the shape of the genital organs (labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty) and restore the hymen (Hymenoplasty).

Contraindications to the different types of plastic surgery is different, so in each case they are individual. For example, if a woman has an increased risk of breast cancer, it is contraindicated arthroplasty. If you have sinusitis surgeon should refuse a patient who wants to make a rhinoplasty.

Frequent reasons for refusal in plastic surgery can serve as a serious chronic diseases of internal organs, endocrine, oncology, cardiovascular, skin, infectious diseases, disorders of the nervous system and blood clotting disease.

Before you decide to have cosmetic surgery, you need to pay attention to the selection of a doctor look at his work and thoroughly clarify all the details of the operation - all the possible consequences, risks and side effects.

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