 Radiolifting - is one of the most effective methods of skin rejuvenation Five tips for skin rejuvenation: how to cheat age  Five tips for skin rejuvenation: how to cheat age
 , Non-invasive and virtually painless. Using this method, the radio waves penetrate into the surface layers of the skin, muscles, and heated and disposed underneath the fabric. Heat stimulates collagen production, and this leads to that the skin becomes more supple and smooth, gets healthy, steady tone.

You can argue long that the appearance - not the main thing, and people appreciate our inner qualities, yet no one notices them at a glance. Face - the card of a person unconsciously estimating that people make us the first impression The first impression in business and in personal relationships  The first impression in business and in personal relationships
 And change it is often very difficult. Wrinkles, sagging skin, diskoloratsiya - all that is associated with old age, fatigue, poor health. If you feel young and full of energy, it is necessary to bring its appearance in accordance with domestic age.


When and who should do radiolifting

Typically radiolifting make aged between 35 and 55 years; for people over the age of maturity, this procedure is usually not effective enough already. The most common procedure for radio lifting are people who want to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and eyelids tighten, reduce enlarged pores, remove bags under the eyes, cheeks sagging skin to make more elastic. This technology is also used to tighten the neck.


Frequently asked questions about radiolifting

  • Radiolifting - it hurt?

No. During the procedure, from one patient may experience different sensations intensity, depending on the pain threshold, but even very sensitive people commonly experience only minimal discomfort. However, about 5% of patients reported that the procedure proved to be too painful for them. If you are afraid of possible discomfort during the procedure, or think that you have a very low threshold of pain, talk to your doctor in advance about the possibility of the use of anesthesia.

  • How is the procedure for radio lifting?

First of all, the skin is purified by means of a suitable type of a patient's skin. During the procedure, the skin should not be any fat or cosmetics. Then, cooling gel applied to the skin, which reduces the discomfort and to prevent possible damage to tissues. As the skin is carried out device, which emits radio waves, while the doctor pays special attention to the most problematic areas of the skin. At the end of the procedure the skin is cleaned from the remnants of the gel is applied to her moisturizer and sunscreen lotion. Immediately thereafter, the patient can go home or to work; take pain or any other drugs is required.

  • How long is the recovery period after the radio lifting?

After the radio lifting should not be a period of recovery in the ordinary sense of the word - that is, the patient can immediately proceed to business as usual, without any restrictions. Some patients skin returns to normal within a few hours after the procedure, in others a slight reddening and swelling persist for days.

  • When the results become noticeable radio lifting?

The result can be assessed immediately after the procedure. Then take pictures to compare the condition of the skin before and after radio lifting.

According to data obtained from studies, in 87% of patients noted improvement in skin condition immediately after the procedure. Six months after the radio lifting 92% of patients reported that the skin has become much more flexible. Almost as many - 94% of patients - recognized that the procedures fully meet their expectations.

  • How resistant are the results of radio lifting?

It is very individual. On average, the results are stored for 24 months, but this period may be somewhat more or less, depending on the characteristics of the aging process Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
   the skin of the patient.

  • How many treatments are needed to achieve optimal results?

Typically, patients are advised to first pass from six to ten treatments with intervals of six to eight weeks between them. Then you can make supporting procedures once a year or two. Exactly how many radio lifting sessions require a patient, doctors decide, based on the fact, in the state of his skin, and what results it expects from the procedure.

  • How long does one session radio lifting?

The duration of each treatment is from thirty minutes to one hour.

  • How should you care for your skin before and after the procedure?

Approximately two weeks before the radio lifting necessary to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation; Use a sunscreen and does not light any open air or in the solarium. It is also not recommended to sunbathe for two to three weeks after radio lifting. You must take good care of the skin - regularly clean and moisturize it, make nourishing mask and gentle massage that the results of radio lifting preserved as long as possible.

  • Can radiolifting cause side effects?

For most patients radiolifting is a very safe procedure and side effects are rarely observed, and they are usually mild and pass quickly. Redness of the skin as a result of radio lifting occurs, on average, 36% of patients, edema - 14%, but these side effects rarely persist for more than 24 hours. The burns were observed in 0.4% of patients who did radiolifting.

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