selenium nutritional
 Calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium - a substance which triggers a deficit in the body of negative processes. And if the first three people interested in fortification of the body, hear and read often, a selenium often forgotten - and in vain. Its deficiency also leads to a weakening of health and malfunction of organs and systems. Get it from the outside, we can only, therefore, wise to look for selenium in foods.


Changing priorities

Strange but true - for many years, selenium was considered not useful trace elements, and a poison that can only harm the body. In the sixties of the last century the situation became relatively selenium to change rapidly, and in 1980, the World Health Organization has called it one of the essential components of human nutrition. This means that the daily selenium should be ingested, and its lack of adverse effect on overall health, slows metabolism, affects the nervous system, skin, hair, nails and involves many other negative consequences.

There are several types of selenium, like most minerals, he is in a synthetic form. If you suffer from selenium deficiency, and you need to quickly restore the balance, more likely it will be a form for you preferred. But the best way to digest the organic selenium, which we get from plant foods.

Research results daily intake of vitamins and minerals have proven that most people do not get enough selenium from food.

If a person is not enough selenium enters the body vitamin E, necessary for healthy skin Health skin - status indicator organism  Health skin - status indicator organism
 , Hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   and nails will not be absorbed fully. Also, studies show that lack of selenium is often seen in people who completely give up meat. Vegetarianism often goes hand in hand with a shortage of nutrients, which is found in foods of animal origin, so the adherents of alternative power systems should take this into account and look for selenium and other trace elements in vitamins and minerals.


Products with selenium

A large amount of selenium found in meat and offal. High levels of selenium observed in pork, beef and veal liver and kidneys. Selenium-rich eggs Chicken eggs: a universal and irreplaceable product  Chicken eggs: a universal and irreplaceable product
 Meat octopus. High doses of the substance found in fungi. 100 gsushenyh oyster and white mushrooms contains about 100 micrograms of selenium.

To ensure a regular supply of selenium through a balanced diet, necessary in the daily menu to include a sufficient amount of grass, making it a side dish for lunch and dinner. Selenium-rich rice, beans, barley groats, wheat, corn, buckwheat, oats, wheat bran. Few of selenium found in nuts - peanuts, pistachios and walnuts. 20-40 micrograms of selenium contained in garlic, a sufficient number of trace elements contained in the cheese. 100 grams of coconut pulp contains up to 80 micrograms of selenium.

As for the fish, it is necessary to search for selenium in marine varieties that live in ecologically pure waters. The content of selenium in fish, which lives in polluted waters, at times below. Traditionally rich in selenium seafood - octopus, squid, shrimp, lobsters.


Overdose and stable deficit

Any medication is transformed into poison if they are abused. If you feel that you receive less or selenium is the analysis of blood, should not every day to eat veal kidneys with ceps.

The daily rate of organic selenium - 80-200 micrograms. 400 g - is the maximum allowable intake of selenium, if you regularly go beyond this figure, comes an overdose, which, like the deficit, does not promise anything good for the body.

The diet is enough to adjust a little bit, but do not change radically, overeating product contained in a teaspoon daily rate of selenium.

Please note that during heat treatment, most useful properties are lost, and this applies to selenium. It is not digested in the presence of simple carbohydrates, which are considered the main enemies of selenium. If you decide to take their health seriously and settle the lack of this component, reduce consumption, and better yet, just give up sweet pastries as well as smoked and canned.

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