smoothies for weight loss
 Once regarded as a symbol of healthy eating fresh juices. Today, they were replaced by low-calorie cocktails fruit or vegetable smoothie with low-fat yogurt or milk - smoothies for weight loss. Prescriptions of cocktails are very diverse, so the smoothie does not allow stale and lose weight with pleasure.


More than a drink

 smoothies for weight loss
 Smoothies name comes from the English «smooth» (a uniform, smooth, soft, pleasant). This slush, which is a fruit, or - less frequently - vegetable soup with ice, water or milk products. Smoothies can be bought in a shop or cafe, and you can easily cook at home, using a blender.

For the first time smoothies went on sale in California in the thirties of the last century, but the drink is popular in the United States was only in the sixties. A world-famous smoothies purchased only at the end of the XX century in the wake of general interest to a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating in general, in particular. Packaged in plastic cups or bottles thick cocktail was sold not only in the shops of healthy food, but also in all the supermarkets.


The benefits of smoothies

 smoothies for weight loss
 Until recently, natural fruit juice symbolize a healthy diet. However, according to doctors, abuse Frechet will only bring harm. Usually fresh juices are not recommended suffering from gastritis with high acidity, and peptic ulcer disease. Certain juices, e.g., pear, it is undesirable to use in urolithiasis.

The main disadvantage of juice, even the most natural - low fiber content. As a result, juices, being relatively high-calorie foods, almost can not get enough. Therefore, those who are dieting to lose weight, do not drink too much fresh juices - it is better to eat fresh fruit.

Unlike juice, fruit puree body not only provides the vitamins and minerals, and dietary fibers, which are necessary for a sense of fullness. In addition, fiber cleans the body, it removes from the toxins that are produced during the life.

Adding to smoothies or low-fat milk drink fermented products enriched in protein, calcium and vitamins. The result is a low-calorie drink having, nevertheless, a high nutritional value. Smoothies - is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, an excellent tool to maintain power during exercise, and a wonderful alternative to a hearty dinner, rich quick carbohydrates and fats.

In addition to the composition of the smoothie fruit, berry or vegetable puree can include juice, water, milk, nonfat yogurt, green tea, honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , Nuts, spices, herbal teas, and even whole grains. The beverage retains all vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, dietary fibers. Today, these cocktails have become a real symbol of a healthy lifestyle, they drink athletes, smoothies always included in the menu bar fitness.


Eat with caution

 smoothies for weight loss
 Fashion to certain foods and dishes - a great business. Manufacturers smoothies well earn adherents of a healthy lifestyle, but says nothing about some properties of its products. Meanwhile, smoothies, as well as absolutely all the products have on the human body complex influence and bring not only benefit, but harm.

If the smoothie is made from fresh enough or insufficiently pure products, it is easy to drink poison. At the same time, preservatives are added to the industrial production of smoothies for their better preservation, are not ready to do more useful smoothies.

The drink will be useful if you drink it in moderation and correct.

For example, a smoothie to drink through a straw to fruit acids, which are contained in the drink, does not damage the tooth enamel. Even if you drink a smoothie right, it is not necessary to replace the cocktail all breakfasts, lunches and dinners. Man needs solid food, which can chew - while salivate, which protects the teeth from caries and helps digestion. Solid food is needed for the normal functioning of the intestines.

Please note that the ready smoothies often contain very high amounts of sugar. This increases calorie and significantly reduces the usefulness of the drink, especially for those who want to lose weight. Therefore, losing weight should carefully read the labels, and best of all - preparing smoothies at home on their own.


Lose weight with smoothies

 smoothies for weight loss
 It is obvious that those who want to lose weight with smoothies, better to give up cocktails with sugar or cream. It is best to choose a smoothie on the basis of low-fat yogurt or kefir Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony  Kefir: a unique drink for health and harmony
 , Suitable as a basis for low-fat milk, green tea or herbal decoction. Wishes to lose weight fast can experiment with different teas for weight loss Slimming tea: addressing obesity  Slimming tea: addressing obesity
   as a basis for a smoothie. But too carried away by such teas should not - they are addictive. To reduce the caloric content of a beverage can be prepared on the basis not of fruit and vegetable puree.

Smoothies contains almost the same amount of dietary fiber, and many natural fruit from which the drink is prepared. However, those who lose weight, can be added to a drink from the pharmacy fiber, pectin powder or bran. This will make smoothies even more useful and satisfying. Excessive use of fiber, however, is not worth it, especially if earlier it was not enough in the diet. Slimming a day is enough there for about thirty grams of dietary fiber, large quantities can cause digestive disorders. Increase the amount of fiber in the diet should be gradual.

If the smoothie is used to replace one of the main meals, a drink can be made more nourishing, adding a bit of boiled oatmeal. This will enrich cocktail not only in fiber, but also a variety of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Maria Bykov

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