celebrity diet
 Looking at the sleek silhouette of Cameron Diaz, Jessica Alba flat stomach, which recently had a baby, and the figures of other stars of world renown, many wonder how these women manage as efficiently control their weight. Sami celebrities often claim that the whole thing in proper nutrition and intense training. In fact, the star diet often has additional features, some of which is on the take note, and others are best avoided.


Compulsory breakfast

Star trainer Gunnar Peterson, clients of which, among others, are Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz, urges eat breakfast every day, and it should be done within thirty minutes after waking up. Since the body gets the signal that you are not starving (and after many hours without food, he may decide that fell on hard times, and it is necessary to store fat for future use), and it is time to begin to burn fat. An excellent breakfast is a cup of oatmeal with sliced ​​fruit and eggs of several proteins. Oatmeal is rich in carbohydrates and fiber, and eggs - protein, so that the sum is obtained nutritious, hearty breakfast.

Research confirms that people who eat breakfast every day, successfully control their weight than those who often miss a meal in the morning.


Less white carbohydrates

This is one of the fundamental rules of the diet Cameron Diaz. When a star is preparing to shoot a movie or an important event, it fully renounces white bread, pasta, cakes and white rice - these foods contain a lot of calories and very few nutrients, is not conducive to weight loss. At other times, the actress just trying to limit the consumption of white carbohydrates, giving preference to complex carbohydrates. This rule should be followed throughout. These products not only give rise to unnecessary kilograms; over time, they can cause serious health problems.


There are vegetables, but not all

In just a few days before the big event, some Los Angeles nutritionists advise their star clients to abandon the "blowing" vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table  Cauliflower: Queen vegetable table
 . Instead, they are encouraged to eat as much parsley, asparagus, cucumbers and tomatoes. In conjunction with the fruit (especially useful in oranges, grapefruit, melons), they help rid the body of toxins and lose a few extra kilos. Such changes in the diet helps minimize gas formation and avoid bloating Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
 , Because of which the designer dresses can look at the figure celebrities effectively enough. This item is from stellar diet should take note to all who are to have any major events - such as a wedding, graduation, meeting with business partners.


Include in the diet of spice

A specialist in nutrition, who works with Anne Hathaway and Liv Tyler, said that red pepper, cayenne pepper and other hot spices help his client to remain in good shape. Tabasco not only enhance the flavor of many dishes, but also significantly weaken hunger.

In one study it was found that people who regularly used as a seasoning paprika, on average, consume less food and burn more calories than those who does not use this spice. Similar effects have paprika and garlic powder. Using spices need to comply with the measure - is too spicy food can be harmful to the stomach.



Elizabeth Berkley and Jennifer Garner on the recommendation of his nutritionists are always with you to snack foods, the energy value of which does not exceed 150 calories. It can be a useful snack apples and cheese with low-fat bread with cheese or chicken, or a bunch of grapes. Consult stars nutritionists stress that it is important to eat every three or four hours, even if the snack contains only 150-200 calories. This helps dampen the feeling of hunger, and to avoid sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels. In addition, regular snacks help to keep from overeating when you finally will be time for a full meal.


Eat organic foods

The use of organic products - a new trend in Hollywood. Coach Heidi Klum claims that the hormones in meat and dairy products, which are sold in supermarkets, increase estrogen levels, which causes the body puts more fat. Pesticides inorganic fruits and vegetables also affect hormonal and promote weight gain. Banned and any products of the processed and contain preservatives, salt and other substances in the diet which should be as small as possible.

In fact, although it is known that organic food is safer than inorganic, there is no evidence that it helps reduce weight faster. For most people, a diet consisting of organic products would be ruinous, and it is difficult to adhere to, as to buy such products can not in every store. So what about this item stellar diet can safely be forgotten, but if you have the opportunity to eat organic produce grown in their own country, use it.


Supplementation of ADHD

Oddly enough, it also has to do with the stellar diet. According to some reports, Paris Hilton, and some Hollywood actresses are taking Adderall - a treatment for hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADHD) is not only for its intended purpose, but also to suppress appetite How to suppress appetite - important skills  How to suppress appetite - important skills
   and speed up metabolism. This drug, which belongs to the class of amphetamines, does possess these properties, but it can be taken only under medical supervision. The most innocuous side effects of Adderall, in the event of uncontrolled use are high blood pressure and increased heart rate. Slim figure is hardly worth it to take that risk their health.

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