• Sweaty palms: Causes and Treatments
  • Treatment

 sweaty palms
 Normally sweating protects a person from overheating, but some people sweat gland activity is increased, even when the body does not threaten to overheat. Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) - a problem that can cause a person not only physical but also psychological discomfort. Most often people suffering from hyperhidrosis sweat heavily palm, feet, armpits, and / or face. The reasons for this are varied violations and deal with it, unfortunately, it is not easy.


Who and why sweaty palms

It is difficult to say whether there is a category of people whose members suffer from sweating hands more often than others, just as it is impossible to say exactly how many people in the world suffer from hyperhidrosis. Many people with this disorder simply does not go to the doctor - some are ashamed of their problems, others do not realize that the increased activity of sweat glands on the palms is not the norm. It is estimated dermatologists, excessive sweating of palms and other parts of the body can be observed in 3% of adults.

Predisposition to the development of hyperhidrosis may be caused by heredity. Sometimes palms sweating causes diabetes, gout Gout: The main symptoms and treatment  Gout: The main symptoms and treatment
 , Menopause, certain types of injuries and tumors, obesity, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

In some cases, sweating is a side effect of certain drugs, but then tend to perspire heavily, not only the palm or foot, but the whole body.

Stress and anxiety can also cause sweating of palms. In such cases, it can form a vicious circle. Because no experience in humans begin sweating hands, causing an even greater stress, which may lead to that perspiration will become even stronger. People with this problem often avoid any situations that cause them anxiety and, as a consequence, sweating palms. They give up public speaking, do not go out on dates, and so on.



Usually, this agent of first choice. The doctor may recommend that you use the conventional or prescription antiperspirants that have a strong and lasting effect. They can be applied on the palm, and the feet, armpits and hairline Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . They narrow ducts through which sweat output on the skin surface and thereby reduces the sweating. Side effects of antiperspirants may be burning and skin irritation. When strongly pronounced side effects, causing significant discomfort, you should inform your doctor.

Some patients are worried that antiperspirants, especially prescription, increase the risk of breast cancer (it is most often associated with the application of antiperspirants on the armpits, but not only) and Alzheimer's disease. At the moment, however, there is no evidence that any of the ingredients of antiperspirants may increase the risk of developing these disorders.

Currently, the most potent are antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride.

They completely block the flow of sweat glands. Antiperspirants with this ingredient produced such brands as Driclor, Anhydrol Forte (roller deodorants), ZeaSORB (powder containing aluminum chloride).

Such antiperspirants only be applied to clean, dry skin (when applied to wet skin they are more likely to cause irritation). They are in any case not be applied to broken or irritated skin. Use them every day or two, until then, until it is improved. Then apply antiperspirant every one to three weeks.

To eliminate the irritation and inflammation of the skin which is often caused by aluminum chloride is recommended to reduce the frequency of application of antiperspirant applied regularly in the palm of a moisturizer, and if that does not work, for one or two weeks of twice-daily use of a steroid cream (eg ointment hydrocortisone).

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