treatment of migraine
 Treatment of migraine - not an easy task. With great difficulty removed bouts of migraine headaches, sometimes it comes to the development of migraine status - in this case the treatment is carried out in a hospital. Therefore, great importance is the prevention of migraine - a healthy lifestyle and the elimination of stress.


What is a migraine and its main manifestations

Migraine is a throbbing headache that is constantly repeated, provoked by various factors. The head it usually hurts the one hand, during the next attack side can be changed. But this is not necessarily, sometimes accompanied by a common migraine headache.

Migraine accompanied by a sharp sudden expansion of cerebral vessels. At the same time before the sharp expansion of the observed short-vasospasm, the patient feels that as a harbinger of a headache (aura). Aura is most often seen in the form of blurred vision, before the eyes of the grid.

Migraine can be classical (ophthalmic, with an aura that gives way to a headache Headache  Headache
   one half of the head, nausea and vomiting), simple (without aura, but longer), associate (with transient neurological disorders), facial (pain in the lower half of the face), in the form of migraine status (a series of attacks, accompanied by severe headache, vomiting and dehydration) and complicated (after a migraine attack are neurological disorders that are very slow, and sometimes remain forever).

Trigger the development of a migraine attack may be stress, sharp smell, very bright light, loud sound, weather changes, violation of habitual rhythm of life, the rhythm of nutrition, eating spicy food, smoked meat, hard cheese.


How can we remove a migraine attack

First of all, the patient should not panic - it can enhance the symptoms of migraine attack and to make longer. Anyone who suffers from migraines should know that an attack will take place, even it does not heal.

Patients with long-term migraine sufferers Migraine  Migraine
 They know that the treatment should be started as early as possible, with the appearance of precursors with the onset of the headache. All medications to relieve migraine are divided into three groups:

  • The first group of drugs (often referred to as first-line drugs) - these are ordinary painkillers are often combined (paracetamol pentalgin and others)
  • The second group - drugs, which include NSAIDs or their combination with other analgesics (diclofenac, nize, etc.); the first and second groups of drugs are often used at the same time to enhance the analgesic effect;
  • The third group - drugs that cause spasm of the blood vessels of the brain - ergotamine, dihydroergotamine, sumatriptan and other.

First- and second group of patients may be taken alone, but the preparations of the third group is to appoint a doctor. This is due to the fact that the patient can make a mistake and taken for migraine headaches that arose during cerebral vasospasm. Admission to the case of sumatriptan can lead to ischemic stroke.

Migraine status can be removed only in the hospital. Complex treatment with parenteral (bypassing the gastrointestinal tract) administration of drugs, relieves headaches, vomiting, dehydration and suppresses the development of a variety of neurological symptoms (sensory disturbances, movements, and so on).


Prophylaxis of migraine attacks

Prophylaxis of migraine - a healthy lifestyle, rational schedule with the change of work and rest, regular (at the same time), eating, avoidance of emotional stress and the more stress, the exclusion from the diet Diet: food, without which you can not do  Diet: food, without which you can not do
   foods that can cause a migraine attack (hard cheeses, smoked meats, chocolate).

Provoke frequent migraine attacks may be smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, any intoxication, pungent smells, loud sounds, bright lights, lack of sleep, fatigue, nitroglycerin (it causes vasodilatation of the brain and headache), and so on - each patient usually has its own set of precipitating factors. All of them are also possible to be eliminated.

If the patient is afraid of attacks and is constantly in suspense of their development, it can also trigger an attack, so the anxiety should be removed. This is best done therapist.

Drug prophylaxis of migraine is selected for each patient individually. It is carried out when a patient develops two or more migraine attacks per month. To obtain a stable effect, medication should be used is long, up to six months or more.

Galina Romanenko

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