• Female fitness - exercises wisely
  • Myths

 female fitness myths

Female Fitness Myths

Currently, there are so many training programs and diets, it is difficult to understand which of them will give you visible results and which leave to regret the time spent in the gym. And figure out what could be more useful to spend this time - and money.

In addition, there are many people who are able to advise on how to achieve your goals. Topics fitness, diet, proper nutrition and sports are very popular today. And, as often happens, almost every second of those to whom they are not alien, considers himself a guru in the field. And, accordingly, in a hurry to share their knowledge with others. However, no one knows better than you how your body works, it is better for him, and what is worse. So you'd better be aware of the main myths that exist in the world of fitness and bodybuilding. After all, we are talking about your body.

Make sure that the path to success is not to make mistakes. Otherwise you risk to see how your achievements cease to grow. Or even get injured.


Myth №1: The program, which is engaged by your friend, will give you the same results

This is a common misconception among people interested in the structure of the body. We often ask their friends in the hall, any exercise program they follow a diet and stick, thinking that if we do the same, we will see the same results.

There is nothing more mistaken.

Of course, women's fitness program can be very good. It is even possible that it is specially designed coach, who has long and successfully working with stars. It is even possible, it has been designed for your age group. You can even use it to achieve good results. But do not forget that your body - is unique. And therefore can respond to this program is not the case, as the body of your friend. The best thing you can do is to combine the elements of this "divine training" with its program. Beat the technique. Listen to yourself: see how your body reacts to a particular exercise. In other words, find out what the best is for you.

Maybe you just need to reduce the number of repetitions or replace one exercise to another. The best results you will achieve with a program tailored to the individual characteristics of your body.


Myth №2: You do not have to work out in the hall of the leg muscles, if you run in the morning

When you walk down the hall, it seems that everything is passionate about working with light weight. Girls enthusiastically make your back and shoulders, working on the muscles of the arms and upper body, while the trainer for leg press is free. This mistake is often made by those who before visiting the gym engaged in jogging, riding a bike or hike begins in the sports club with kardiozala. They think that it is enough.

In fact power load on your feet and allow the right to work the upper body. The muscles in the legs rather wide and with a load of produce large amounts of testosterone - the primary anabolic hormone responsible for building new cells. Thus, you will be easier to work out the muscles in the arms, back and upper press, even without adding a workout. In fact, they will be strengthened even in those days when you do not work on them in the hall.

In general, the training of muscles of the lower body - the best basis for the rest of your class. If you neglect strength training on its feet, it is as though you build a house without a foundation. That, at least not effectively. Therefore, make sure that the power to exercise the legs are part of your program.


Myth №3: The best way to burn fat is the hour of average intensity cardio

Many believe that the lessons of 60 minutes of medium intensity - the best way to get rid of excess weight. In fact, with an average load level to burn more calories from fat than high-intensity during the occupation (such as fast running or Taibo). However, a more important factor in the reduction in weight due to fat tissue is the balance between calories received and expended energy.

In addition, matters and what happens to your body after the workout is over .  When the lesson is built on the principle of intermittent load, you burn more calories per minute than the average intensity during training .  Of course, you most likely will not last as long, but the number of calories in both cases will be approximately the same .  However, the advantage of interval training is that it forces your body to burn a lot of calories already after occupation has ended .  You already threw shoes and smiling contentedly, to submit to the shower, then to a sense of accomplishment snuggle, say, a movie on the couch - and your body a few hours of working for you! Due to this, the number of calories burned per day, it becomes much more .  That translated into the language of your body means more than a normal training day fat loss .

High-intensity interval training is good for the fact that helps to keep the muscle tissue, while long-term moderate-intensity exercise will inevitably burn it.

But do not abuse such classes and to perform high-intensity cardio every day. Alternating training high and medium intensity or break them in time for a week. If you want to work out a few times not as intense, your sessions should last for at least 20 minutes, the body can go on burning body fat. The fact that the first 20 minutes or so you probably will only burn carbohydrates consumed in the last few hours. As for the intense workouts, you can notice the benefits - and in relation to fat burning, and in relation to the overall improvement of health - even a short (6-10 minute) workouts.


Myth №4: You need to eat a lot of protein to build muscle

The more protein you eat, the more muscle you can strengthen and build, right? No not like this.

Your body needs a certain amount of protein each day. When you exceed this rate, it simply converts excess calories from protein as well as it has processed them from carbohydrates or fats. Protein destroyed and some of its allocated portion, while a part is stored as fat or used as energy. The daily intake of protein is 1, 2-1, 5 grams per kilogram of body weight. This amount will provide your body sufficient amount of trace elements needed to build new muscles.

Instead of consuming too much protein, it is better to add to your diet good carbs. The right carbohydrates - the best source of energy that is needed for your body to build muscle tissue of protein that you eat.


Myth number 5: To see the results, you need each time to train up a sweat

One of the key factors for success on the path to becoming stronger, is rest. If you go to the gym every other day, and you train hard, you probably will not have time to recover from workouts and just do not give your muscles time trying to get stronger and become stronger. It was during the rest body is rebuilt to become stronger for the next workout. If you do not give it at this time, the only damage muscles. And in the end becomes stronger and weaker.

Add to my training plan days of moderate exercise or complete rest. This will give your body the time it takes to recover, and you - a psychological break. After that, you're a lot to reduce the threat of injury and overtraining. And you understand that your motivation to build a beautiful and healthy body is only strengthened - in fact apart from the obvious results of your program gives you a sea of ​​energy and positive emotions!

Natasha Pavlova specifically for the Women's Club

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