• Flatfoot: possible causes
  • Treatment

 A person suffering from flat feet, arch or a low or non-existent. Most flat feet do not cause problems, and treatment is usually not required. Arch of the foot, or the configuration of the rear foot - is the inner part of the foot, which usually rises above the ground when you stand, while the rest of the foot flat on the ground. Most people have a marked space on the inside of the foot (arch). The height of the arch of the foot of different people can be different.


Do you have flat feet

Flat feet can be easily identified when you stand or walk. When a person with flat feet is his inner part of the foot, arch, it flattens and the foot can roll to the inside. This is called over-pronation.

To determine whether you have excessive pronation of the feet, stand on tiptoe or push off the big toes as far as possible back. If the arch does not appear likely to have an excessive pronation stop when you walk or run. In children, it is difficult to determine the flat, as the arch may not be fully formed until the child is ten years.


Causes of flat feet

For some people, okay, if they have a low arch or no arch at all. In such cases, flat feet usually is hereditary, and feet are flexible. Sometimes the flat can be caused by an abnormality that occurs when a child is in the womb, such as joint problems, or where two or more bones are fused. This is called tarsal coalition and lead to flat feet and feet stiffness.

Flat feet, which develops later in life, may be caused by a disease that affects the joints, such as arthritis or injury muscles, ligaments or joints of the foot. Diseases affecting the nervous system (brain and spinal cord) may also cause drooping arch of the foot. Over time, the muscles gradually becomes stiffer and weak and loses its flexibility. For diseases in which this can happen include cerebral palsy, spina bifida and muscular dystrophy.

Flatfoot associated with age, often occurs in women after forty years. It often goes unrecognized and occurs when the tendon that supports the arch of the foot, over time, gradually stretched. Until the end it is not clear what causes stretching of the tendon cause, but some experts believe that this may play a role wearing shoes with high heels and a long walking or prolonged standing. Obesity, high blood pressure High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies  High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies
   and diabetes - all these risk factors.

Recent studies have found a link between changes in the ligament of the foot and increased levels of a protein called proteolytic enzyme or peptidase. These enzymes can destroy some parts of the tendon, weakening it and causing drooping arch of the foot. Similar changes are observed in other conditions, such as ahillotendinit. It can play an important role in the treatment of flatfoot Treatment of flat feet - if there is discomfort  Treatment of flat feet - if there is discomfort
 The drugs that are directed to these enzymes may be an alternative to surgery. However, further research is needed, and this type of treatment may be available in ten or fifteen years.


Problems caused by flat feet

Flat feet usually do not cause problems, but it can cause tension in the muscles and ligaments (ligaments connect together the two bones of the joint). This can cause pain in the legs Pain in the legs - to warn easier than cure  Pain in the legs - to warn easier than cure
   while walking.

If you have flat feet, you can feel pain in places such as:

  • the inside of the ankle;
  • arch of the foot;
  • the outer part of the foot;
  • shin;
  • knee, hip or back.

Some people with flat feet are discovering that their weight is distributed unevenly, especially if the foot rolls inward too much (excessive pronation). When excessive pronation brake shoes wear out quickly. Excessive pronation feet can also cause damage to the ankle and Achilles tendon (the tendon large, which is in the back of the ankle).


When you need to see a doctor

Consult your doctor if you or your child has flat feet, and the following symptoms:

  • Feet hurt, even if you wear a supportive, well-fitting shoes.
  • Shoes wear out very quickly.
  • It seems that the flattening of the foot.
  • Feet weak, numb or become stiffness.
  • Perhaps the therapist will refer you to a specialist (podiatrist).


Treatment of flatfoot

For flat treatment it is usually not necessary because it usually does not cause serious problems. Pain in the feet can often be alleviated by wearing supportive shoes that sits comfortably on foot. You may need to wear shoes more spacious than usual.

If you have excessive pronation of the feet, you may need special insoles that must be inserted into the shoe to the foot did not tuck in, when you walk or run. Typically, these orthopedic insoles picks. You can also help stretching exercises shin and Achilles tendon as hard Achilles tendon can cause excessive pronation of the feet.

That's stretching exercises shin and Achilles tendon:

  • Step into the left leg forward and bend her right leg straight, both feet pointing forward;
  • pull the right heel to the floor, still holding his right leg straightened; You should feel the stretch in the back of the right leg below the knee;
  • Keep stretching for fifteen to thirty seconds and repeat the same exercise for the other leg;
  • Repeat stretches two to four times for each leg and repeat all the exercises three or four times daily.


When you may need surgery

In rare cases, surgery may be needed if your child has flat feet, which is caused by a congenital anomaly. You may need to straighten the foot, or the separation of the two bones, if they are fused. Analgesics and insole - a first means, which are used for flat feet caused by problems such as arthritis or tendon rupture. However, if the injury or disease greatly affect the foot, surgery may be recommended.

If flat feet cause a condition that affects the nervous system, may need special shoes, insoles or support brackets for feet or legs. Again, in severe cases, you may need an operation to straighten the foot.

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