the rate of prolactin in women
 Prolactin - a hormone that is produced by both male and female body. Prolactin increased by the number of external factors, including stress, breast feeding and sexual activity. What is the rate of prolactin in women?

In women, the predominant fabric, which is aimed prolactin, a breast. Prolactin stimulates the production of breast milk in late pregnancy and supports its production after childbirth. To exert such an effect on the breast, and requires the presence of other hormones, such as estrogen.

Prolactin is usually produced in men, but does not play a special role for them. High levels of prolactin suppresses the hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the ovaries and testes. High levels of prolactin can cause irregular menstruation and / or problems with conception.


How do you know about violation prolactin

Your doctor may order a blood test to check your levels of prolactin, for various reasons. The usual reason for such an analysis are unexpected discharge from the breast, similar to milk. This condition, called galactorrhea and occurs in both women and men. Your doctor may prescribe an analysis on the level of prolactin, if a woman has irregular periods or they have stopped, as well as the difficulties in conceiving or suspected problems with the pituitary gland.

Normal levels of prolactin in women 30-600 mIU / L.

Different laboratories it may vary. If prolactin levels are elevated, it is called hyperprolactinemia.


What causes an increase in prolactin levels

Firstly, if the prolactin levels are only slightly elevated, the physician can simply assign reanalysis. Stress due to a blood test for some people enough to prolactin increased. High prolactin levels are quite common during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Usually prolactin levels returned to normal within six months after the end of breast-feeding Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes

Many types of drugs may increase prolactin levels, such as antidepressants, opiates and painkillers. Use of estrogen (such as oral contraceptives) can also cause a slight increase in the level of prolactin in some women.

The main reason for concern when hyperprolactinemia is the possibility of a benign tumor of the pituitary gland. They usually shows an MRI of the pituitary gland. Pituitary tumors associated with hyperprolactinemia, are due to excessive growth of benign pituitary cells producing prolactin. These tumors are not carcinogenic and are either the same size or grow very slowly.

Mikroprolaktinoma (a smaller tumor, causing the production of prolactin) is less than 10 mm at diameter. Macroprolactinoma (large tumor) has a diameter of 10 IIM. The larger the tumor, the higher the level of prolactin in blood. Prolactin levels above 6000 mIU / L is usually associated with macroprolactinoma. Other types of tumors of the pituitary gland can also cause an increase in prolactin levels, but usually not to the level as the macroprolactinoma.

Other diseases, such as thyroid disease Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?  Thyroid disease - when to start worrying?
 , Polycystic ovary syndrome, and herpes zoster are also associated with a moderate increase in prolactin levels. The term "idiopathic hyperprolactinemia" is indicated constantly elevated prolactin levels for no apparent reason.


Treatment at an elevated prolactin level

Elevated levels of prolactin without symptoms or galactorrhoea without an increase in prolactin levels do not always require treatment if they do not bother the patient, her regular menstruation and birth is overdue.

If the patient has symptoms, absence of menstruation or she wants to get pregnant can be prescribed treatment.

Hyperprolactinemia and galactorrhea caused by drugs, usually disappear after removing them from the body. If hyperprolactinaemia caused by a pituitary tumor, the choice of treatment depends on the size of the tumor. Microadenomas do not require treatment unless the patient has no symptoms, have a regular menstrual period and she is not planning a pregnancy. There is a small chance that microadenomas grow to the size of macroadenomas. So patients need to regularly check the level of prolactin in the blood and to do an MRI of the pituitary gland to make sure that the tumor is not growing.

Macroadenoma causing prolactin usually be treated, as they sometimes threaten the eyesight and may cause other abnormalities in the brain. Treatment can reduce swelling and control its growth. Today there are many medications for this purpose. If drug treatment is not successful, surgery may be considered in the pituitary gland.


How to determine what treatment is successful

The result of treatment can be assessed only on the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the disappearance of galactorrhea, tumor reduction (based on MRI), and the level of prolactin in the blood. Fertility can be restored even before the restoration of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy is not desired, it is necessary to take appropriate action when starting treatment increased levels of prolactin.



For those who want to get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 Treatment pills that suppress prolactin is canceled as soon as the pregnancy test is positive. Occasionally (in patients with large tumors), continued treatment may be necessary during pregnancy to avoid the growth of adenomas associated with pregnancy. Therefore patients may need the supervision of specialists. Interestingly, the small pituitary microadenomas sometimes disappear after pregnancy. Those who want to breastfeed, usually can continue normal breastfeeding.

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