The first date is always exciting. Each party is experiencing in its own way. What you need to do and how to behave to the meeting was the most successful?
First Date: Tips for Men
- Plan. Before you decide to ask a girl out on a date
How to ask a girl out on a date - recommendations for action
, Think what you will say when she will agree and ask when and where you will meet. Choose a place in which you both will be comfortable and is ideal for socializing. Although visits to the cinema popular theater for the first time - not the best choice: you're both just going to look at the screen and say nothing. On the first date you need to learn more about each other, and for this you need to talk. If you sit at a table in a cafe, constantly being under the gaze of the girl for you - very difficult test, invite her, for example, play billiards (bowling, table tennis, table football), or together to visit the recently opened exhibition - there you will be able to talk without thinking about whether you hold a knife and fork, and as evidenced by the position in which you sit.
- Pay. Even if it proposes to divide the bill, insist that you pay - especially if you were the initiator of date.
- Be confident. She has already agreed to, then - she really wants to meet and spend time with you.
- Take care of the outside in the form. It is not necessary to wear a suit and tie, but definitely worth it to brush your teeth, comb your hair and put on a shirt, a state that does not suggests that in it you will not only go out on dates, but sleeping.
- Come on time, but better - a little earlier. Girls do not like to wait for the guys, especially if it's a first date.
- Be interested in the girl. That is - not just admire her face or feet, and ask questions that show your interest in it, and listen carefully.
- Correctly compliment. No need to constantly pour compliments - is quickly bored, and compliment with explicit sexual overtones (in other words, better to say, "You are beautiful" rather than "You're so sexy!"). It is best to emphasize in their compliments
any specific details of her way ("You have an interesting hairstyle"), or behavior ("You're a beautiful laugh!").
- Prove that chivalry is still alive. Undoubtedly, it is - an independent woman, but it will not prevent you to open the door for her or give her a coat.
- Time to say goodbye. Do it before it gets bored, tired, or it will start to worry that will not have time to sleep before work. Say goodbye when you both still want to continue to chat - then there is a strong possibility that will be held and a second date.
- Thank her. If you had a good time together, ignore the pattern rule three days, call the girl the next day and thanked her for a lovely evening.
First Date: Tips for Women
- Relax. Do not try to appear more witty, seductive, bold or modest than you really are. He asked you out on a date - and wonder exactly what you, and not the woman you would like to be.
- Dress properly. The first impression is crucial, but equally important is comfort. So, if you are invited to a picnic, do not wear high heels and tight dress, and the restaurant is better not to come in sneakers. Choose clothes for the first date in which you look and feel great. Clothing should also match your age and do not be too blatant.
- Be polite. Do not be late for a date, politely talk with the staff, and pay the man his undivided attention. Even if you quickly realize that the second date you will not be at this meeting show that you are familiar with the rules of etiquette.
- Be resolute. Many women think that men will certainly prefer to see next to a gentle, driven creation, and therefore even the question "Will you white or red wine? "Respond charmingly shaking shoulders and saying," I do not know ... Choose your own. "If you are asked to choose a drink, meal or a song, under which you dance - feel free to choose. It is worth to you several times during the meeting to answer questions like, "I do not know, I do not care, I will arrange everything" - and the man most likely to carry you to the category of neither fish nor fowl, and the second time you will likely not see . Most men like women who can do more than just follow a stronger partner.
- Keep the conversation correctly. We should not only talk about yourself, or just ask a man about his life - both of these strategies will not lead to anything good. Be an active listener - when a man says, ask clarifying questions (which, incidentally, show that you really are listening to), and do not forget to tell you about myself. During the visits you have to talk about an equal amount of time, otherwise you might get a game with only one goal, which is hardly someone pleasure.
- Set the border. Do not tell yourself too much on the first date
First date: everything is just beginning
. Definitely not worth talking about, what your income level, to share family problems, to talk about how your past relationships have ended, and so on. First, some information can be used against you, and although it should not be a reason to be paranoid, too frank with strangers is not worth it. Secondly, the man noticed that you are overly talkative, may treat you with suspicion. Do not forget about the physical boundaries: of course, to have sex on a first date, or not - a private matter, but in most cases this is, after all, are best avoided.
- Do not drink too much. It is desirable that on the first date a man could not see you, even in a state of mild intoxication and that is why a glass of wine.
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