erogenous zones in men
 It is widely believed that the erogenous zones in men quite a bit, or rather it is only one, but the stimulation of this same area - a sure way to get your favorite unearthly pleasure. In fact, women can and should pay attention to the other erogenous zones of men, to make him look forward with trepidation "main dish" - that is, the sexual act itself.



Neck skin is very sensitive, not only women but also men. Caressed her tongue, lips, teeth or bite down a little - in short, do everything that the man probably more than once did for you. Just try not to leave marks on the skin - such certificates stormy night can please a teenager who will brag about them to your friends, but not a grown man.


Hair and head

If you bury in the hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   fingers slightly pomassiruete scalp, when a man, such as watching television or sitting at a computer. Bend lower, scalp that he felt your breath - it quickly distract him from foreign affairs, he focused only on you.



Men's ears can and must kiss, lick, or bite, and along with all the whispering indecent that comes to mind.



The area between the scrotum and the anus is very sensitive; caresses the tongue or fingers will bring great pleasure to the man.



The nipples are erogenous zone is not in all men. Some people really like it when a woman caressing their nipples, on the other it does not work in any way, and someone even causes discomfort. Watch the reactions of men: if he touches like the lips or tongue to his nipples - make a list of them in his erogenous zones, if not - do not worry, these areas had many more.



Many men admit that when a woman caresses their fingers language, it excites almost as well as oral sex the penis: probably plays a role here imagination, moreover, the fingers are actually very sensitive.



Some men hard to admit, but the affection of the anus - both outside and inside - they are very exciting. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation: just in the anus has many nerve endings, stimulation of which will give pleasure to any man.



Lying on her back, when she gently touches the back with your fingers and tongue - many men call it one of the best feelings in the world. We can not say that the back is an erogenous zone in the usual sense of the word, but touch it very pleasant: they help men relax and at the same time, he will be excited, imagining that follow these caresses. Yes, foreplay needs not only to women.



Massage the feet, too, love is not only women. You should please a man a massage for two reasons: firstly, he was surprised and overjoyed such attention on the part of (really - how often are you doing man foot massage?), And secondly, on the sole of the foot are arranged point responsible for sexual arousal .


The rear side of the knee

In these places the skin is particularly delicate and light touch of her fingers and tongue can give a man a bright sensations that surprised even himself. Generally considered, often with minimal skin scalp differ most sensitive - this is true for both men and women.


The inside of the thighs

Slow motion with your fingers or tongue on the inside of the thighs pleasing themselves, and since these areas are located in close proximity to the penis, such affection will make a man literally tremble with anticipation.


The brain

Any human brain is the most sensitive erogenous zone, it is only necessary to stimulate it correctly. With men in this respect easier - they tend to react quickly to various hints of a sexual nature, their imagination begins to draw tempting images, and excitement was not long in coming. Not necessarily a man whispering "dirty word" exclusively in bed. You can, for example, between times, quietly and ear, let him know that you are going to do with him alone in the evening, when you go on a weekend for a shopping center. These little things will help you keep the interest of men to himself, and a man - to feel welcome.



The delicate eyelid skin can and should be kissing and gently pat with fingertips. Why is it so good? Because you're doing it when his eyes are closed and you are in control: men sometimes like to feel some power to the woman in bed - a very diverse sexual life, because usually it is from men expect domination.



Of course, you know that kissing is very excited men. But the lips can touch, not only with his lips, they can also be caressing fingers, tongue, or slightly biting - in certain circumstances it can act even more exciting than a normal kiss.



Without it, a list of erogenous zones of men can not be complete. As you know, during foreplay do not need to pay attention only to him, but to caress the penis - the hands, lips, tongue - a must. There are hundreds of species of these caresses, so experiment until you find something that will really reduce your man crazy. The main thing - let yourself forget about the word "indecent": in bed with your lover well everything that gives pleasure to both of you.

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