• How to return a man: a few steps on the road to happiness
  • Phased tactics

 how to get a man
 Separation, separation, a complete break - all synonyms of pain experienced by a woman at the time of the loss of dear and loved one - her man. How to go through the pain? How to prove that the phrase "my half" - these are not empty words, dictated by female hysteria, and the most that neither is the fact that from a logical and unconditional? And, finally, how to get a man, so much time is the support and hope, a loving husband, a passionate lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
   and devoted friend?

 How to return a man: a few steps on the road to happiness

Step one: no tantrums!

The emotions overflowing, words flying at the speed of a bullet, and with an equally murderous effect. Anger, offended pride, breaks the heart of jealousy Management of jealousy  Management of jealousy
   and resentment, even more bitter by the fact that the other named favorite. How to convey that feels so wonderful and such a vulnerable soul abandoned women? How to understand the man behind all that screaming, tantrums, for this infinitely cascading stream of tears and curses hiding icy fear of loneliness?

Understand - it is difficult. Moreover, in a fit of raging tantrums woman herself is not quite able to understand myself. Splash out, squeeze, crush and destroy - that's the only thought, that "perpetual motion" of any tantrums. Splash out and squeeze it - bitter resentment or hatred toward the offender? To destroy and trample - himself, his or the love continues, despite the insult, hell-fire burning heart?

If hysteria - the enemy of reason, the composure and poise - his first allies. Arrange "debriefing" at the time of separation Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
 When passions are running high over all measure - not only unreasonable, but also useless. Especially harmful hysteria in the search for an answer to the question of how to get a man. Help cope with the hysteria logic. It will cool the ardor will truthfully answer the question "Who is right and wrong? "And to plan further steps in, hard and protracted battle for her man.

 How to return a man: a few steps on the road to happiness

Step two: self-esteem, where are you?

Analyzing the reasons for leaving his men, can be thousands of times to harass his own "I" accusations, insults and pity. "It's my fault," "I am old" (ugly, full - the list is endless), "can not cook (to raise children, to earn, to build a career) - the flow of allegations own address continuous. But is it justified these sayings?

In response to a question on how to return the man takes a considerable weight of its own self-esteem, or rather - its absence. What, no matter how low self-esteem, to be grateful to a woman, completely refused to watch her figure, face and hairstyle? That, no matter how low self-esteem, caused the abandonment of a joint recreation, visiting public places and recreational activities? Obviously lose confidence in their own time did not allow the man to stop, to tell him of her love, and even to join the fight with a rival ("it - younger, prettier").

Why previously completely confident in their strength, beauty, sexuality and irresistible woman turned into a faceless being who can not stop a man leaving? Where is it - this beauty, submit, bewitched and became "half" the one who left without a backward glance? Return it immediately. Reset laziness and habit, exercise, visit a beautician, dramatically change the hairstyle, wardrobe and makeup. And who knows, perhaps it is the awakening of asleep for a long time under the yoke of everyday beauty and allow finally answer the question of how to get a man, single, expensive and infinitely loved.

 How to return a man: a few steps on the road to happiness

Step three: Change yourself to change the world

Who said that to blame the man? Why break relationships often a woman accuses anyone but yourself? It is a closer look at the problem will not see all the things that led to the rupture? No? Then it is necessary to recall the main law of the psychology of interpersonal relationships, which states that in any conflict, both sides are guilty, and not alone.

What makes a man take such a cruel decision? Do not eternal carping, scandals, hysteria and even the surveillance? Earn little bad care, he does not know how, do not know can not ... Eternal "no" - and here is the result: the one who does not "know how", refused to tolerate scenes from hell home. Now he really can not, and does not want. Do not want to live together, raise children together to save on one bed and just stay close.

So how do you return to that many could not and did not know? How to return a man who, despite all the shortcomings, was so dear to the heart and soul? Maybe we should honestly look into the eyes of his own reflection, and recognize that a woman gazing in the mirror - is not ideal? Maybe you should start with themselves, with their mistakes and from their shortcomings? Change yourself, you can expect not only the favor of the world, but also to return to, without which no joy is the ideal life.

What next? And more remains to be done just a half-step, separating so close before people. Call and unobtrusively offer to meet, remember all good things and to show the inhuman work done on themselves in such a short period. And if in the soul of man is still alive at least a little spark of love, if it really is worthy of this "half" izbolevshegosya woman's heart - he understands everything, appreciate and forgive. Because he - loves and is loved. Because he - Man, that was worth fighting for.

Read more Phased tactics

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