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 how to seduce a man

Technique and Strategy of seduction

First of all, let's define the purpose with which you think to seduce a man. If you need it only for one night, there is seduction technique is so simple, even banal, that's not for me, man, you have to learn this business. There is simply not enough to drown out his mortgaged genetically female intuition and everything will turn out. Fortunately for you and unfortunately for myself men almost always pecking at one and the same standard set - mini skirt, fishnet stockings, blouse with a plunging neckline, sensual look from under long lashes, the intoxicating perfume ... So namely seduction problems should arise.

It is quite another thing, if you have a man species, and in your mind already imagine what style wedding dress and what shoes you will have a day when you marry that man married (in some cases imagination go so far as to have invented names for future children and choose a place where the family will be happy to spend holidays). Traditional funds banal "odnonochnyh" delusions in this case is not enough. It would be correct to speak not about how to seduce a man and his a love.

If someone else nourishes illusions about this, immediately dispel them - forced to fall in love a man can not. Not those are spiritual substances, which can be imposed. You can teach a man have virtually any food to give up meat and switch to Diet Coke. You can convince him that you need to make regular manicures and pedicures, to thin out the vegetation in the nose and hiking in the fitness center to get rid of beer belly. It may even change the tastes of men, and induce him to choose between sessions in the cinema is not the militants and horror, and touching sentimental melodrama. All this is achievable: that's just impossible to make a man fall in love with you.

But this does not mean that everything is hopeless. If the woman realized what a life partner is looking for a man chosen by her, she did not like half and two-thirds of the way to his heart (and the route "through the stomach" has nothing to do with it). So the first step - Check the feminine ideal. How to do it? Watch how he interacts with the various "types" of women (from the "gray mouse" to "bitch"), with what degree of goodwill, he speaks of his acquaintances female, find out what were in temperament, character and demeanor of his "former" .

 How to seduce a man: tips active temptress - Identikit chosen

Identikit chosen

Then, by simple (or complex - here everything depends on the specific situation) logical operations compose two original identikit .  The first title the "I told him that's a hundred percent do not like", and turn it all the features, all the habits, all the things that, as you can find out, bring it to a state of white heat and cause an allergic reaction worse than any .  For example, if a man is constantly expressed in that spirit that smoking woman is terrible, do not walk around in front of him with a thin jet emitting smoke a cigarette .  Or, if your partner is experiencing from the cradle of football "Spartak", watching his every game on TV or live, praise from your lips CSKA players are also unlikely to add you points in the eyes of the man .  And so on and so forth .  In short, try to at first, when you try to get close to him, no trifle marred the impression of a man you .

The second "identikit" will be a touch of female virtues and could conceivably be called "his favorite qualities in a woman that I would be nice to find a" .  Notes (emphasize its importance by three exclamation marks) !!! These qualities in yourself you need to find it, not inventing them for the first, second and possibly third date, and then safely forget .  Pretending - the worst strategy of behavior that a woman can choose relationships with men .  There is a good chance that you will be interested in pretense, and even conquer it at first, but a long time to pretend you still can not .  And when the game will be revealed, the sympathy and even love to you from the man instantly grow into a sharp negative: deception - a terrible sin in the eyes of men .  Therefore, if you are not in some kind of quality do not need to portray .  Believe me, every woman is so laid great potential that if want to and try, you can find a whole storehouse of mental traits and virtues .  So go ahead .

With regard to the manner of communicating with a man, believe me my nemaloletnemu "Male Longevity" - all this talk about the fact that men like to take the heart of the beautiful siege, like an impregnable fortress, and women in this regard need to keep themselves in the style of the Snow Queen, to say the least , nonsense. There are, of course, a kind of emotional masochist that the longer and more painful torments of a woman gets the more fun, but this is an exception to the rule.

 How to seduce a man: tips active temptress - Identikit chosen

Be friendly

Therefore, the main advice in this matter - behave with your chosen friendly. No, to be hung around his neck, winking with a weary look and with the same languid sea licking his lips, looking at him, is not necessary. It's more of a professional women's stuff is quite certain occupations. And you have to be just a friendly, responsive, ready to talk on the theme, which will select the source. In short, let the man understand that you are interested in dealing with it. Nothing more, nothing less, exactly so - you are interested. Believe me, for a man it means a lot, sometimes even more than is required. Almost half of the accidents happen because men in love, the woman was a sociable friendly companion and it was perceived as a tacit encouragement of enhanced action on the assault of her heart.

And then he suggests the following advice - try not to admit openly the first man in his sympathy for him. Give him the lead in the development of your relationship. As long as your communication is a friendly-friendly nature, can invite for a cup of coffee, a slice of pizza Pizza: features Italian cuisine  Pizza: features Italian cuisine
   or a hamburger; You can offer options for hanging out funny; You can develop some common interests. But be active until a certain moment - as soon as you feel that the ratio of men to you buddy grew interested in, give him the right to be active. Let him call you first begin on insignificant occasions and talk for hours on end. Let it first invite you to a meeting, which by all indications it will be romantic. In the end, even if it was he, and just at the moment when it will be decided on myself, your first kiss. Awareness of their own activity in the love affairs and their success in them is very beneficial to the appearance of a man enamored feelings and their depth.

And one more thing, which is directly related to how to induce a man to love you. Once you have achieved occurrence at the elect sympathy to you and that is even more difficult, led him to confess to you that, in any case, do not select two models of behavior: do not start to consider it as their own immediately after its recognition and show off their like a new car, in front of friends, acquaintances and colleagues. First it in you immediately disappoint and alienate the second immediately begin to irritate him, and lead to the same result. Stay the same sociable sweet woman you were during the "courtship" for him, but in addition to that let him know that he had to have a very close person.

And then the road to the implementation of the dreams of a wedding dress color Wedding Dress: types of cut  Wedding Dress: types of cut
 , And the number of children of Turkish or Spanish beach as a place of family rest will be opened.

Read more How to seduce a married man?

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