in what month of pregnancy appears belly
 You may have heard that women who are preparing to have a baby for the first time, the stomach appears later, and those who have already given birth, it usually appears earlier. To some extent this is true, although it depends on various factors such as your weight and the type of shape at the time of conception Conception - as the emerging life  Conception - as the emerging life
 As well as the position of the child in the womb. In what month of pregnancy appears belly? On average, the abdomen of pregnant women become evident during the second trimester, at twelve to sixteen weeks.

In the normal state of the uterus is the size of a lemon. By fourteen or seventeen weeks of pregnancy, it is the size of a small melon and raised above the waistline. At this point you need to start wearing maternity clothes if you have not already begun to do so.

In the early stages of pregnancy in some women, the stomach appears and disappears. The abdomen may be slightly increased, and after a bowel movement to decrease. This is quite normal. It is easy to confuse bloating Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?  Bloating - when you need to go to the doctor?
   the growing uterus. Although your uterus grows, it grows slowly and it is usually invisible to the growth of others, at least as long as the clothing is no longer able to hide your belly.

Of course, every woman and every pregnancy is different, and there is no way to predict when you will have the stomach.

If he does not appear until the end of the second trimester, or even before the third trimester, it is absolutely normal. Later normal stomach can occur if you have, for example, reinforced vomiting due to toxicity. It may appear earlier than usual, if you carry twins. There are other reasons for an earlier or later appearance of the abdomen.


First Trimester

Some women even nulliparous belly may appear sooner. This may confuse you. You can be scared that you too will recover or have recovered. On the other hand, any visible manifestation of pregnancy can be enjoyable. In addition to a positive pregnancy test, the only evidence of pregnancy in early pregnancy will be a visit to the doctor when you will hear the fetal heartbeat, or ultrasound. You will not feel fetal movements to eighteen to twenty weeks.

The abdomen may appear early for several reasons:

  • Bloating and constipation. This is common during pregnancy, often accompanied by flatulence. Bloating is caused by a violation of the digestive system, which leads to accumulation of fluid or gas, which is why the stomach increases. Bloating in early pregnancy is partly due to increased levels of hormones, particularly progesterone. Progesterone causes relaxation of smooth muscle tissue of the intestine, slowing down the process of digestion. While slowing digestion is necessary to ensure that the child has received the necessary nutrients from the food that you eat, it can cause bloating and constipation.
  • Reduced muscle tone. If you want as long as possible to hide your pregnancy, you will be strong abdominal muscles. Women whose abdominal muscles are less trained, abdomen usually appears earlier. This often applies to mothers who are pregnant second child. They have already stretched the muscles of the abdomen and uterus.
  • The second pregnancy. After giving birth, the uterus does not return to its previous size. Therefore, during the next pregnancy the uterus is growing faster. Many mothers, bearing a second child, abdomen appear a month earlier than in the first pregnancy.
  • Overeating and early weight gain. When someone tells you that you need to eat for two, do not forget that one of the two men the size of an apple. If you eat as much as you two adults, you overeat. While it is important to increase the amount of food intake, excessive weight gain in early pregnancy may later cause problems.
  • Wrong time. If you feel an increase in the abdomen, where it did not exist before, and you are told that your uterus is larger than it should be, most likely, the date of conception is wrong, and your period is more than you think. It happens to women who do not expect to get pregnant How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help  How to Get Pregnant: Recommendations to help
 Or with those who are not watching their menstrual cycle. You may appoint ultrasound to determine the size of the uterus and birth date.
  • The fragile figure. In a miniature woman's belly may appear earlier just because of her fragile figure. Its rounded tummy may notice her partner, family or close friends, but most of all, no one will notice it.
  • Multiple pregnancy. Some women who are pregnant with twins will notice a significant increase in the stomach early in the first trimester. However, it takes into account only the size of the uterus, and not just the size of the stomach. Big belly is not a reliable sign that you carry twins: the stomach can be great for other reasons. If the doctor finds that your uterus is growing faster than expected during your period, it could be multiple pregnancy.


Second Trimester

For most women, regardless of the type of figure, the stomach begins to emerge during the second trimester. Many women see a noticeable change in the beginning of the second trimester. The symptoms of pregnancy are reduced, and the belly gets bigger. It was at this time working women have to decide whether to inform the chief of the pregnancy and colleagues.


Third Trimester

If in the third trimester belly has not yet become noticeable, do not panic, especially if your doctor is not worried. In some women, the stomach appears only at the end of pregnancy. Later, the appearance of the abdomen also does not mean that your child is too small. This may occur because of your type of figure. Some women do not gain much weight during pregnancy, regardless of whether they were full or thin before pregnancy.

Your doctor may order an ultrasound study to determine whether a term is put. Even if your child is less than is usually the case at this stage of development, it can be born perfectly healthy. Most likely, your doctor will monitor you more often, to make sure that the child is developing normally.

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