• 10 tips on how to seduce a man
  • Build eyes

 how to seduce a man
 There are two types of situations: You want to seduce your man and you want to seduce any man. In any case, the principles are the same: you need to find the "secret key", which will lead man. Unfortunately, they are different in different people, often they do not even relate to physical appearance - it can be a word, image or expectation. In other cases, the button can be a simple smile, voluptuous look like or accidental touch. You just need to find the "secret key" in your man.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

Choose the right fighting stance

Believe, "where" - this is a very important part of success. If you choose a sports bar during the finals of the World Cup, you will most likely fail. Secluded romantic dinner with a suitable environment significantly increase your chances.

Choose a place with a minimum of distractions (and competitors). You need to fully get his attention.

Furthermore, decent environment can be very exciting. Do not underestimate the light of candles and suitable music.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

Power of fragrances

Scents - one of the strongest factors that subconsciously affect a person's thoughts.

In the study, 89% of men admitted that the fragrance can enhance the attractiveness of women. 55% of respondents went further and stated that they could fall in love with a woman just because of the fact that they are attracted to the smell.

The smell - one of the strongest factors that subconsciously affect a person's thoughts about the representatives of the other sex. Your fragrance - an important component of a successful seduction. This can be compared with the influence of pheromones in the animal kingdom.

A woman may enhance the natural smell attractive with the help of essential oils such as sandalwood, rose, ylang-ylang, jasmine and patchouli. They are known as aphrodisiacs. Shakespeare wrote that Mark Antony Cleopatra took on a ship with perfumed sails. The exotic fragrance made him fall in love with her immediately.

Apply a bit of flavor to the points where the pulse is felt - on your wrists, behind the ears, in the folds of the elbows, behind the knees, on the inside of the ankles. You can also spray the fragrance front of you and step into the cloud.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

Show off a little bit more hide

There is a certain way of dressing, which reduces men mad. And it's certainly not depraved clothing that would alienate the majority of men.

You need to find a compromise between what to show and hide their feminine qualities - the secret of the correct combination. Avoid the obvious. It is important that you feel sexy. And do not forget the seductive lingerie and accessories such as bracelets or necklaces.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

Be absolutely sure of themselves

Be confident, like a supermodel. Be a woman who knows what she wants and how to get it.

But be careful - it is easy to cross the line and overdo it, then instead of having to look confident, you seem arrogant. And this is not what you are seeking.

Start with the update itself - a new hairstyle, clothes, try to lose weight. Do not underestimate the power of a new hairstyle. Also watch out for posture - keep your back straight, shoulders back. Do everything that will strengthen your self-confidence How to gain confidence in themselves?  How to gain confidence in themselves?
 . Men's very impressive.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

Serve signals

And now it's time to give some hope that a man has a chance. Demonstrate interest in him from time to time to get him to respond.

  • Showing an open palm.
  • Play with a lock of hair or stroking items. Spend a hand through his hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
  • Shake off the dust particle (you can imagine) with his jacket Trendy jacket: what to wear to look stylish  Trendy jacket: what to wear to look stylish
  • Look straight at him and slightly lean toward him.
  • From time to time, and bit her lip lick.

But again, do not overdo it!

Experienced men know how to read these signs, inexperienced still understand that something is happening.

 10 tips on how to seduce a man

The magic of anticipation

Anticipation, excitement and tension gets men. Set aside the award.

Take two steps forward and one back. Call it a strong sense of dissatisfaction, which can be satisfied only get you. And it should not seem to him a simple task.

Take two steps forward, one step back. Be controversial. Use the above signs of interest, and then pretend that you are not interested, ignore it for two minutes. Then start again. Two steps forward, one step back.

Read more Build eyes

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  • How to seduce a man: practical tips