Olesya was a rather strange way of talking on the phone. Children's some ... - Hello, it's me - it was the usual privetstviem.Da and she was just a child. Big blue eyes, a pink face, yellow hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   on the shoulder. Yesterday schoolgirl came from Tmutarakan conquer the capital. And it came, and not just go to college and Moscow State University, journalism at the International Office.

Frivolous hobbies

In the first semester of a serious young man I fell in love with glasses. She played tennis with him, sat next to in class. And he seems to be nothing, and did not see, I came home on vacation and fell in love again: in a former classmate.

He returned to Moscow and immediately discovered that the love vanished, to the young man in glasses of interest in itself, too, was gone. In the second year had met him, but did not realize that this is a special case. Igor was quite an adult, serious, had a prestigious job, and a lot of that had only free time he had to spare.

I saw it - eyed, long-legged - and something pushed, forced to approach her. But in the room there were other beautiful girls. But I approached some reason for it.

Conversation, drawn from a stuffy room in the air, walking through the alleys of the park, chatting, joking ... And so began their meeting. At the first meeting, it seemed to him more mature, experienced, self-confident. It turned out that this is not true.

The naive, romantic girl with a very vague idea about life. "Most likely to blame her parents, carefully supporting her daughter in these romantic nonsense ..." - he thought irritably. In the capital, a look ... In his eighteen years kissed a couple of times on the passionate love. She even had no idea that he might need from her that -What more before the wedding!

When one evening he invited her and hinted that she could stay with him for the night, she agreed.

Such rare meeting

We had dinner by candlelight, drinking champagne. He began to kiss her, to speak words of love. Then he picked her up and down like a straw on the big leather sofa.

And here she stammered fearfully: - What are you, darling ?! I can not! Please, do not ... It was not a game. Igor immediately understood. I understand and angry. Very out of the room to the balcony. Olesya quietly approached from behind, not knowing what her fault. Do you have any idea how I feel? Did I do something wrong? Round blue eyes in amazement staring at him from the bottom up.

He spread a her in the living room, and he went into the bedroom. In the morning she chattered in the kitchen, cooking breakfast on conjuring, Igor looked at the girl, and now he no longer wanted to tell her what was going to say yesterday: "We'd better do not occur." He appeared no more than once a week, Olesya constantly waiting impatiently these rare meetings, and did not notice how attached to this person, who did not take it seriously. Igor it certainly did not like. Its something held her close, perhaps wounded pride.

He's accustomed to winning. When he felt that she was in love with him seriously, I was the third month of dating. Something stirred in his soul, he thought: "Is not it better to leave, not to spoil the life of the girl?" But selfishness won - Olesya became his mistress. She never knew whether he will come. He obviously had other women. He did not hide it. Talk about marriage Igor incredibly irritated. Very soon he got used to her love for her patience, to her genuine affection. But it is naive to believe that if you love, you can not seek benefits. And not looking. Just waiting for love, I believed ...

Once Igor came in and said: It's time to leave. I decided. Olesya could not believe what he says it is serious. She thought it was a joke or a scene from a movie about the lyubov.No is impossible. The door slammed shut. Olesya long stood not knowing what had happened.

Dmitry Sapozhnikov

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