Divorced men
 We have all heard many anecdotes and stories from the life in which the divorced man is represented as a lucky man who has found long-awaited freedom. In practice, the consequences of divorce for men can not only be positive.


The impact of divorce on men's health

The first and most obvious consequence of divorce on health is that men, with rare exceptions, are ill-suited to farming. And if that man forgets just wash and iron their clothes and do the cleaning, it is generally the little things, the inability to cook may eventually cause a severe blow to the health.

Scrambled eggs, fried sausages and other semi-finished body is not enough to function properly, namely a meal often eat men who start to live alone after many years of marriage. Many of them are starting to buy less or not buy fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and choosing high-calorie food that does not need cooking. There are not too many men who after a divorce can afford at least once a day to eat in a good restaurant where the food is really healthy food. For those for whom this is a luxury, that is the majority, after the divorce, the quality of food is significantly reduced. The result may be different problems with the digestive system.

Stress - is another reason why the set of health problems that appear after the divorce. Even if a man wanted to get a divorce, the need to adapt to the changing conditions of life still causes stress. Over time, it may be that a free life is not as enjoyable as it seemed, until the man was married, that quality of life is deteriorating, that fully communicate with children living apart from them, it is very difficult - in short, there are many problems that before the divorce not think. If the divorce did not take place at the initiative of the men, the stress, of course, will be even stronger.

Numerous studies have shown that among divorced men more than those who abuse alcohol and suffers from depression. Furthermore, divorce may increase the likelihood of developing certain cardiovascular diseases. Divorced men are more prone to risky behavior than the one that is married, because that increases the probability of getting a variety of injuries and / or development of various addictions - from gambling to drug addiction.


Relationship with a divorced man: pros and cons

Most men do not seek a divorce after a long enjoy the solitude - they start looking for a new relationship, even fickle. Many of them find that they do not like to live alone, or understand what threatens power semi, and seek again to find a woman with whom you can share all the joys and sorrows, or even domestic difficulties.

But what are women relationship with a divorced man? It is unlikely that someone can not truthfully say that does not matter - divorced man or never married. It is so important that for some women the relationship with divorced - an absolute taboo. Those who are less categorical, it is better to consider the advantages and disadvantages of relationships with such men.



  • He threw it. It is difficult to get rid of the thought that if he left his ex-wife Former wives: the strategy for the new darling of Conduct  Former wives: the strategy for the new darling of Conduct
 It is easy to be able to quit and you. Even worse, if he and his wife had children. The man who abandons his wife and children, unwittingly raises suspicions, even if the pay huge alimony, regularly sees children, carries them to relax during the holidays, and generally behaves like a good dad, but does not live with them. One may repeat itself, that the situations are different, and perhaps better for the children of parents divorce than their constant quarrels, but rarely women will be able to completely get rid of doubts and fears. In addition, there are cases when the ex-wife is trying in some way to poison the existence of a new beloved former spouse, and some women approach this case with great enthusiasm and ingenuity.
  • She threw it. This case is not much better. Here you will disturb the two thoughts: why she left him (maybe he has a terrible disadvantages of which you still do not know?), And - what if he still loves her? In order not to suffer such thoughts, you need a trusted man and be very confident.
  • His emotional trauma and possibly with your help he will be comforted and lick their wounds. History, when a woman treats wounded soul of the beloved, good books and movies, but in real life, such a relationship usually lead to a dead end. In real life, women usually do not want to see a man cry (or even just sighs) over photographs ex-wife, listen as he complains about the cruel fate, it blames himself, a loser, and constantly to comfort him, saying that not such a loser he is, that is not at all the loser. In addition, if, through your care and infinite patience man still heal your wounds, he is likely to immediately go away from you. Why is that? Simply it would be unpleasant to be around a woman who had seen him weak and want to find a friend who will believe that he is - a true macho Macho: errors and problems in behavior  Macho: errors and problems in behavior
   to the bone.



  • He knows how to communicate. Men who live a long time with a woman, usually develops a clear understanding of what and when to speak. They know how to properly make compliments, listen, to avoid conflicts, to feel mood swings of women, as well as to find a compromise - is invaluable skills for ordinary meetings for mutual pleasure, and for the life together.
  • He is a good lover Lover: the real situation  Lover: the real situation
 . That man lived for several years in a marriage, does not give an absolute guarantee that he's good in bed, but, as a rule, divorced men as lovers better than those who did not have multi-year relationship with a woman. It's really a quality person acquires sexual experience, not as often having sex with different people, and when for a long time studying the different sides of the sexuality of one partner. Therefore, the sex divorced men, as a rule, there are significant advantages.
  • He learned from his mistakes. Of course, there are people who do not seem able to learn anything, but most men draw conclusions from the past and strive not to repeat old mistakes in the future. In addition, more than any other divorced men tend to analyze their behavior when they are made in a committed relationship. Therefore, they are more cautious marry, but if you really dare to take this step, there is a good chance that the marriage will be successful - they are ready to do a lot in order not to experience the nightmare of divorce again.

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