• Errors in relationships when expectations are not met
  • Major faults

 major mistakes in relations

Major mistakes in relations

The relationship between the two lovers - a delicate matter. That they lasted as long as possible, you need to follow some rules. Of course, they are not unconditional postulates, but knowing them, at least useful.


1. Too early sex

Universal rules dictating when you can have sex with a new partner, does not exist - but has long been known that sex on the first date, in most cases does not lead to anything good. Catching up with sex with a man before he got a chance to know you better, you risk to fall into the category of casual relationships and lose his interest. Do not be afraid to wait and agree to have sex only when you are ready for it.


2. Too early candor

Always bear in mind that the process of getting to know each other should be gradual - and therefore do not take the time to tell her new friend all his childhood experiences on the first night dating. While the desire to speed up the process of dating is only natural, the amount of information that you share with a man, it is better to limit.


3. Too frequent calls / SMS

While in the past century, the position of men and women in society has changed dramatically, at least one tradition remains unchanged: a man still prefers the role of a hunter in relationships with women. Constant calls or SMS-message will not make you more attractive in his eyes - probably where the man quickly lose interest in the "easy prey."


4. Trying to spy on

There is no faster way to lose so hard to gain the trust of the men and destroy the relationship than trying to look into his phone.


5. Imitation of orgasm

For many women, orgasm imitation - no more than a little white lie, but eventually suffer from these lies and a man and a woman. Assuring man that sex with it really brings you pleasure, you do a disservice to himself - that if you marry him? Are you willing to pretend to be the end of life?


6. Attempts to change it

With age, people have practically ceased to be changed - and especially men. Therefore, if the small habits annoy you more, much wiser to find another partner, rather than trying to change attitudes and habits that were formed over the years.


7. Forget about yourself

Of course, pay special attention to a new relationship - it is natural, but to devote all his energy and time, ignoring their own desires and needs - a huge mistake. Connected relationship or whether you are completely free - first of all, you need to take care of themselves.

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