• How to clean a sheepskin coat that not all means are good
  • Professional and folk ways

 how to clean sheepskin professional and folk ways

Professional and folk ways

The winter season is over, most of us have long been hidden warm jackets, coats and coats. By mid-season, we often notice that sheepskin coat stained, dirt, she lost her appearance, and even the color has changed a bit. But even those who manage to carry things very carefully, after a few seasons to notice that from the previous coats of beauty was gone. Is the thing will have to throw out and change to a new one? Not really. Coats can be put in order with the help of professionals, or even on their own, just need to know a few rules.


  Professional cleaning

Dry to exist in the world to help transform our things. There withdraw grease stain, dirt and return the items luster. But not all are suitable for dry cleaning sheepskin.

Unfortunately, in conventional dry cleaners may just not be the right equipment or special tools. Sometimes the only result of which is obtained after treatment of dry cleaners - it's a little more vivid color How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips  How to wear bright colors: 7 Tips
 , But all the spots remain in place.

So you should look for specialized cleaning, where professionally engaged in cleaning leather and fur. This time it is necessary to clarify, before you decide to hand over the thing to clean. Otherwise, your carelessness can result in dire consequences: sheepskin coat can sit down, tear, fade.

Some cleaning works wonders, they take everything up to the engine oil stains, other frankly spoil veshi. Therefore, to avoid disappointment, try to look for customer reviews of a particular cleaning and detail to find out from the masters, what will happen to your coats at the output.

A good dry cleaner your coats get rid of dust, dirt, stain, tint and refresh. It should be remembered that fresh stains appear much better than the chronic, so it is important not to run the situation and save the mud for years.

Be sure to keep the receipts and checks in the event of damage to the things you have to prove damages, for any shoe - a certain risk for the coats.

But some coats dry cleaning is contraindicated completely - this according to information on the label. In such cases, we have to manage on their own.


  Folk remedies

Way to get spots on the sheepskin coat set. Let's talk about the most popular and tested on a set of warm skins.

  • The main rule - in any case, do not sprinkle salt stains. If you sadite stain from red wine on a white blouse, then reflexively treat it with salt. In the case of a blouse you do well, but the skin will inevitably deteriorate. Therefore, fresh stains on the sheepskin coat should be sprinkled with semolina - it also absorbs moisture and fat, but it will not leave streaks and brighten the skin. Munk can be replaced with starch.
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   and argue that a thing after that looks even better. Forget about such extreme methods of cleaning, just the thing if you are tired of so much that you are willing to spoil it in any way, just to buy a new one.
  • Some spots on the sheepskin coat can be washed ordinary eraser stationery. This method impacts are non-greasy dirt.
  • In the shops of leather and fur Fur - Luxury is timeless  Fur - Luxury is timeless
   selling a variety of means to care for different things winter. It should be from time to time to look back and pick up their coats for professional cleaners. It is much safer and have a chance to find a spray or cream, which is to clean even very light skin.
  • If part of the faded coats, you can buy a special paint in tone and tint own problem areas, it is important only to comply with the instructions. Paint thing must be strictly after cleaning.
  • Some inveterate stains can be derived using gauze soaked in gasoline. But this method is not suitable for every sheepskin thing skin quality and the processing method vary and what is good for one thing, is detrimental to the other. So it makes sense to verify the method on a small area on the inner side.
  • Dust coats can deliver conventional vacuum cleaner with a soft nozzle. Dry dirt should first scrape dry stiff brush, then brush with a soft, lightly dampened with soapy water.
  • Greasy place on the collar, at the pockets, cuffs on the sleeves clean hard brush, better rubber using tooth powder with a small amount of ammonia.
  • If cleaning sheepskin coat becomes wet, dry it on a flat surface, and then how to mash your hands, so that it was not a stake.

As you can see, ways to bring the thing to a decent enough view. But it is better to avoid strong pollution. It is necessary to make a choice in favor of the dark stuff, not too long, if you plan to wear coats on a daily basis throughout the season. You should not drink or eat in street clothes, as well as the need to be very careful not to sit down on the seat in a car or bus, where there are stains. If you wear coats carefully and regularly look after it, it will last more than one season and will look great.

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