how to kiss for the first time
 The first kiss - the magic moment of any relationship, a moment that will never happen again. And so, perhaps, everyone wants to about the first kiss left only good memories. To this end, it is desirable to know in advance how to kiss How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement  How to kiss: with feeling, tact arrangement
   for the first time, and then many years later the first kiss The first kiss: it is unforgettable!  The first kiss: it is unforgettable!
   It will be remembered fondly.


For the first time in my life

There is hardly a person in the world who does not remember their first kiss. And after many years, it is the memory of this event. And it's worth a little effort for the sake of those memories were good.

The first kiss can be something more than a simple touch of the lips, and those who reduce this event to a conventional technique, a lot to lose.

Special charm and fullness give the first kiss feeling accompanying it: love, tenderness, affection. Therefore, it is best if the first kiss will not happen with a casual partner, and with your loved one. And let it happen even later than most of her friends, but the memories of that kiss will be brighter and more enjoyable. Of course, not everyone is able to meet a loved one early enough, and wait for the first kiss for decades unwise. And it's better for the first time to kiss a man for whom there is at least some sense.

For the first kiss in life is to create a suitable environment. Extra viewers to anything - they will only confuse and distract kissing. The first kiss should take place in private.

Well, if the partner already has some experience in the kisses: in this case, you just relax and trust him. If you are inexperienced, both, then someone has to take the initiative in their hands.

First, you simply touch the lips, while listening to their feelings and trying to understand what a partner is feeling. If you touch both seemed nice, you can go to a longer kiss. It is possible to gently press down on the lips partner lick them gently suck or bite. Of course, all of these should be pleasant touch.

How to finish the kiss? This should be done gradually so as not to hurt the feelings of a lover. As a rule, simply stop responding to the kiss, not showing the initiative. At the end is a partner peck on the lips again, gratefully looking into his eyes.


The first kiss in a relationship

Even for those who has a solid experience of love, first kiss with a new partner - a serious test. Such a kiss can be considered specific tests for compatibility - if the mutual affection lips seem unpleasant relationship is unlikely to last long. However, do not apply to kiss like the exam, because such a weasel is primarily a way to demonstrate their attitude to the beloved.

It is undesirable if the first kiss to show all their skills experienced seductress: the beauty of the lips is the first contact in his timidity and tenderness. And for every demonstration delights there is a lot of time.

The timing of the first kiss every couple chooses individually. But it is believed that on the first date First date: everything is just beginning  First date: everything is just beginning
   better to limit a friendly kiss on the cheek. In the future, it is possible to switch to more daring caresses.

It is better if the first kiss happen in a romantic setting, and without witnesses. To make it clear to the beloved, it is time to kiss, quite hard look in his eyes and barely move closer to him - as a rule, are eloquent enough hints and understandable to anyone.

Maria Bykov

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